
nginx webserver ansible role

Primary LanguageJinja


nginx web server, with one to many websites, for FreeBSD 11,12 and Debian 9,10

  • conf.d/ ready
  • modules.d/*.conf for dynamic modules
  • list of networks proxified_by will be trusted as reverse-proxy
    • include HTTPS support for fastcgi


  • nginx on FreeBSD, Debian
  • default server
  • monitoring (on /nginx_status for {monitoring_from} IP's)
  • syslog if wanted


minimal example:

- hosts: webhost1
    - nginx
      # this will create an empty website hosted in /home/mysite/mysite:
      - { id: mysite, name: website.example.org }
      # another one hosted in /usr/local/www/other:
      - { id: myothersite, name: othersite.example.org, rootdir: /usr/local/www/other }

separate reverse-proxy:

# backend
# of course this one may need criecm.node, criecm.tomcat, criecm.php-fpm or …
# and contain many hosts
- hosts: backends
    - criecm.nginx
      - id: myfirstbackend
        name: mfb.example.org
        nginx_includes: [myconf.conf.j2]

# reverse-proxy
- hosts: relays
    - criecm.nginx
    # monitoring hosts (allowed to access /nginx_status)
      - 2001:DB8:ad31::b0b0:c001

    # will register https from reverse proxy
      - 2001:DB8:1ee7::654:3/128

      # this one will reverse-proxy, HTTPS and load-balancing
      #  between backends
      - id: mfb-proxy
        name: mfb.example.org
        tls_cert: files/tls/mycert.crt
        tls_key: files/tls/private/mycert.key
        # we want all http redirected to https:
        tls_redir: True
        # activate stapling
        x509_stapling_chain: files/tls/stapling.pem
        # this will load-balance, with sticky sessions by default (site.conf.j2)
          - http://backend01.example.org
          - http://backend02.example.org
          - http://backend03.example.org

Role Variables

global (default value)

  • nginx_processes (1) as in nginx.conf
  • error_loglevel (info)
  • www_default_root (platform dependant)
  • nginx_log_dir (/var/log/nginx)
  • sites ([]) list of sites dicts (see below)
  • nginx_status_path ('/nginx_status')
  • monitoring_from ([])
  • admin_from ([]) ip addresses/networks allowed to access monitoring pages
  • nginx_includes ([]) list of templates (or files) to be 'include'd in http block (conf.d/)
  • nginx_modules ([]) nginx modules to load explicitly (eg: ["ngx_http_auth_pam_module","ngx_http_geoip_module"])
  • nginx_mods_includes ([]) list of templates to be included before http block (modules.d/)
  • backends ([]) list of backend lines for upstream
  • backend ('') if defined, criecm.nginx will skip it (let another role enrich it before calling out vhost.yml by himself — see below)
  • nginx_debian_package (nginx) Debian package for nginx (nginx-full, nginx-lite, …)
  • syslog_server ('') nginx will log errors there
  • syslog_facility (local5):
  • do_local_log (True): keep logs locally
  • do_local_access_log (do_local_log); keeps access log locally
  • do_http2 (False) activate http2 when using tls
  • mysite (''): if defined, will only process this site.id
  • nginx_default_site ('default') set it to '' to prevent default site to be installed
  • nginx_aio (off) use aio (asynchronous file I/O (AIO) on FreeBSD and Linux) - for big files
  • nginx_sendfile (on) use sendfile (mmap files)
  • nginx_tcp_nopush (on) use tcp_nopush (you want it with sendfile for zero-copy)
  • nginx_tcp_nodelay (on) use tcp_nodelay (do not wait for tcp packets to be filled)

if behind reverse-proxy

  • proxified_by ([]) list of networks to be trusted as reverse-proxies:
    • HTTPS accelerator included via X-Forwarded-Proto header
    • original client IP kept via realip module Can be overriden per site

per-site variables (site.X)

mandatory (can't work without…)

  • id (no default) unique (per host) short name used everywhere by default
  • name (no default) DNS name

optional (default values may suffice)

  • rootdir (/home/{{id}}/{{id}}) site root (code)
  • webroot (rootdir) alternative web root if needed
  • listen ([80|443]) list of port or ip:port's to listen to
  • default_index ('index.html index.htm')

optional (no default)

  • aliases ([]) server aliases
  • nginx_includes files or templates included inside server {} block see Files / Templates locations for path
  • upstream allows to fix upstream name (for reuse in template/prefixes)
  • hsts (31536000 if x509_cert, else 0) if > 0, add Strict-Transport-Security header
  • tls_redir (False) if True, redirect all http requests to https
  • tls_cert (NODEFAULT) x509 certificate (with intermediate certs)
  • tls_key (NODEFAULT) private key for tls/http2
  • x509_stapling_chain ('') complete ca chain for stapling (from root CA to last intermediate)
  • http2 (do_http2) activate http2 when using tls

Files / Templates locations

All files matching playbooks/files/{{id}}/nginx/conf.d/*.conf will be copied in nginx's conf.d directory and included in 'http {}' context

The first file found in this list will be used as site config (per site)

  • playbooks/templates/{{id}}/site.conf.j2
  • playbooks/files/{{id}}/site.conf
  • playbooks/templates/{{inventory_hostname without last digit}}/{{id}}.conf.j2
  • playbooks/files/{{inventory_hostname without last digit}}/{{id}}.conf
  • roles/nginx/templates/site.conf.j2

For includes files, they will be searched in (first match wins):

  • playbooks/templates/{{id}}/nginx/
  • playbooks/files/{{id}}/nginx/
  • playbooks/files/{{inventory_hostname without last digit}}/nginx/
  • playbooks/files/{{inventory_hostname without last digit}}/nginx/

other relative paths (x509_cert, …) will be searched "normally" (ansible/ansible#14341 (comment))

Use from another role

You can call site.yml directly with:

    - include_role:
        name: criecm.nginx
        tasks_from: vhost.yml
        vhost: '{{ site }}'

It's already integrated with criecm.php-fpm if ever ;)