All tools required are part of the tools manifest file so all you have to do is
dotnet tool restore
With the tools installed run the following in a terminal
dotnet paket update
If you are using VS Code there's already a launch configuration, so you should be able to start the site from the debug console (F5) Same goes for Visual Studio pressing F5 will start the application
There's a Dockerfile included in the example. The docker build uses the release build and will therefore look for a appSettings.Production.json
. This however is not included since by design it shouldn't be committed to VCS. Because of this you will need to mount a settings file
If you are just look to spin the container up you can use the appSettings.Development.json
. Do not so this for production environments though.
docker build -t app .
docker run -p 8080:8080 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/src/appsettings.Development.json,target=/app/appsettings.Production.json -it app