
Provides multiple algorithm implementation with Python/C++ bindings as extensions to `libtorch` (https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch C++ API).

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

CRIM LibTorch Extensions

Provides multiple algorithm implementation with Python/C++ bindings as extensions to libtorch (PyTorch C++ API).



Included Extensions

  • Models:

    • EfficientNet (variants: B0-B7 and custom)
      Adaptation from EfficientNet-PyTorch

    • NFNet - Normalizer-Free Networks (variants: 18, 34, 50, 101, 152 and custom)
      Adaptation from nfnets-pytorch

  • Optimizers

    • SGD ADC - Stochastic Gradient Descent with Adaptive Gradient Clipping
      Adaptation from nfnets-pytorch

Build and Install

The source code provides 2 different installation modes:

  • Exclusive C++ library, with optional CLI TestBench and tests executables
  • Python package with module interface bindings to C++ implementations.

In both cases, there are common settings to define. They are mutually exclusive installation methods since Python module generation and install location is usually completely different (in targeted Python site-packages) compared to standalone library and CLI application.

Both require that you first build the dependencies prior to installing any variant.

You will need to define the below paths to the relevant libraries compiled for your system.

Variable Description
TORCH_DIR Installation path of Torch C++ library compiled from sources (or precompiled matching your system).
TORCHVISION_DIR Installation path of TorchVision C++ library compiled from sources (or precompiled matching your system).
OPENCV_DIR Installation path of OpenCV C++ library (needed if using DataAugmentation, TestBench CLI or tests)


For backward compatibility, PYTORCH_DIR is also used as alias to TORCH_DIR. The TORCH_DIR format should be preferred since variable names employed by CMake within PyTorch sources use this convention.

To properly select desired items to build, following options are available. Consider using a visualization utility (eg: ccmake (TUI) or cmake-gui (GUI)) to find other available options.

Option Default Description
WITH_CUDA ON Enable CUDA support. (see below notes)
WITH_DATA_AUGMENTATION ON Enable the Data Augmentation functions. Required by TestBench.
WITH_PRECOMPILED_HEADER OFF Use stdafx.h with Torch precompiled headers and relevant definitions.
WITH_PYTHON OFF Build the Python module bindings. Cannot be combined with tests or TestBench.
WITH_TESTS OFF Build minimal tests of various implementations defined by provided extensions.
WITH_TEST_BENCH ON Build a CLI TestBench utility to run training/testing with the implementations.
WITH_LOG_COUT OFF Uses stdout as logger instead of Plog.


  1. To have GPU-enabled runtime, make sure that CMake finds references to CUDA/cuDNN libraries. Libraries like Torch and TorchVision will usually indicate if they detected CUDA correctly and enabled them.
  2. Any missing references to dependencies along the way will make them unavailable to following steps. Therefore, for full performances on the final result, all dependencies should be compiled with CUDA libraries.
  3. CUDA-enabled devices must also be available, otherwise stubs will be generated and you won't benefit from actual performance improvements.
  4. Some dependencies employ USE_CUDA instead of WITH_CUDA. We try to detect both, but in case of problem, define both with the same value to ensure proper detection.

When ready, move on to the next sub-section according to the variant you want to compile.

Compile C++ Only

Following requirements are needed if using WITH_TEST_BENCH = ON (CLI utility). Otherwise, build and install can be done directly without futher setup.

Variable Description
CLI11_DIR Installation path of CLI11 library.
PLOG_DIR Installation path of plog library (can be disabled using WITH_LOG_COUT)).

You can then call CMake as follows:

mkdir build
cd build

You can pass any missing variables as follows:

cmake -D<VARIABLE>=<VALUE> ..

If you are having problems figuring out where things go wrong, you can try with debug output:

cmake --log-level=debug ..


Define your installation directory using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. This way, calling make install will generate the output libraries and binary applications in the desired location.

Generate and compile the selected features when all configurations are completed as follows:

mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j <WORKER-COUNT>
make install

Compile C++ Only - Windows

Compilation under Windows is more challenging. One approach is to build the required dependencies (cmake->vcxproj project): for more details, please refer to the installation notes for each package. It's actually the best approach for serious work since those packages can be then be used with full knowledge of their build configuration. Another approach which is rather "quick and dirty" is to use conda to install their pre-built versions (include files and libraries). The following "recipe" has been shown to work on Win10-64 bits (provided conda is installed):

> conda install -c pytorch pytorch=1.8
> conda install -c conda-forge cli11
> conda install -c conda-forge opencv=4.0.1
> cmake -B build  -S . -DTORCH_ROOT="%LocalAppData%\Continuum\anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\torch" \
                       -DTORCHVISION_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\torchvision" \
                       -DOPENCV_DIR="%LocalAppData%\Continuum\anaconda3\Library\lib" \ 
                       -DCLI11_DIR="%LocalAppData%\Continuum\anaconda3\pkgs\<CLI package folder>\Library" \


  • As of September 2021, no conda package is available on Win64 for plog, hence the -DWITH_LOG_COUT=ON switch.
  • Manual installation of TorchVision is required (default installation folder is under C:\Program Files (x86)).

Compile Python Bindings

Variable Description
PYBIND11_DIR Installation path of PyBind11 library
(hint: can reuse PyTorch's third_party submodule)
PYTHON_EXECUTABLE Path to Python binary to find dependencies.
(RECOMMENDED: use virtual environment, e.g.: conda)


Sources of PyTorch and TorchVision provide a setup.py script that helps build and install bindings from C++ libraries by automatically wrapping the process with CMake and Ninja. A similar procedure is used for extensions in this repository.

Once the above variables where defined, you must activate your environment, and then install the package. This process has been simplified by wrapping the C++ extensions with CMake through the setup.py.

conda activate <myenv>
python setup.py install

To enable debug log outputs, employ the following method:

DISTUTILS_DEBUG=1 python setup.py install

Installation of the packages in the activated environment will be processed. If any problem occurs, refer to the logs to find missing pieces of information (often it is due to a missing or not found path).

If everything succeeded, you should be able to move on to using the package.


Using the Python Module


Applicable when compiled with WITH_PYTHON and installed by setup.py. See Python compilation steps.

Once the package was built and installed, it can be called directly in Python.

You can test that references are found correctly using for example the following code:

❯ python
Python 3.7.7 (default, May  7 2020, 21:25:33)
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

>>> import crim_torch_extensions
>>> crim_torch_extensions.activation.swish
<built-in method swish of PyCapsule object at 0x7f109a3eecf0>

Using the TestBench CLI


Applicable when compiled with WITH_TEST_BENCH. See C++ compilation steps.

# call the executable CLI
<install-location-or-build-dir>/TestBench --help

Refer to the displayed options to select desired models, optimizers, etc. to be evaluated.

Development notes

Precompiled headers

Every *.cpp file must start with these two lines (including before any comment):

#include "stdafx.h"
#pragma hdrstop

This ensures the file uses precompiled headers and includes basic required dependencies (Windows.h) and defines when corresponding platform and build options are detected.

Debugging Compilation Problems

Missing or Wrong CMake

If CMake cannot be found, following can be defined in your environment. Using those definitions in a conda activate script (e.g.: <CONDA_PREFIX>/etc/conda/activate.d/gcc.sh or other shell script) will avoid having to run this step manually each time.

# use CONDA_PREFIX that is generated by 'conda activate <myenv>'
export CMAKE_EXECUTABLE="/usr/bin/cmake"

Failed to compute shorthash

This error can sometime occur when attempting to find CUDA libraries. (see: pytorch/pytorch#53350)

Simply define the following in your environment:

export CUDA_NVRTC_LIB="<CUDA_PATH>/include/nvrtc.h"

Where <CUDA_PATH> is the same as matched references in CMake (e.g.: /usr/local/cuda-11.2 if using CUDA 11.2).

Debugging Runtime Errors

ImportError generic_type with Unknown Reference

Whenever an error in a similar form as the following occurs:

ImportError: generic_type: type "EfficientNet" referenced unknown base type "torch::nn::Module"

It means that torch was not properly imported before importing the library extensions. Because linking is done dynamically against torch, it must always be imported first as follows:

import torch
import crim_torch_extensions

Unrecognized Symbol Error

The most common cause of unrecognized symbols at runtime is due to missing linking libraries or inconsistent references. Most of the automatic resolution of Python bindings against PyTorch definitions is done inplace and as needed. Therefore, those missing links will be showed only at runtime.

You must make sure that the imported torch package (before importing the extensions) are indeed the same libraries that were used to compile the extensions. There are high chances of incompatibilities and missing symbols between compilation from different sources. For example, if the library linked against during import torch refers to a package installed via pip or conda, but extensions were compiled from source PyTorch libraries, they will most probably not match.

If the above situation occurs, uninstall any pip or conda installation. Then, build and install PyTorch from Sources following their directives. This should be not much more than preparing your environment variables to find references and define custom options, and then call python setup.py install. Finally, rebuild and install the extensions with the source libraries using the same command inside this repository.


Contents within include/data and source/data files DataAugmentation, RandomRotation and Util are taken from takmin/DataAugmentation repository.