Use this library to send AutoRemote messages and notifications to an Android device running Tasker from Clojure.
The Tasker Android application allows users to set up "profiles" that activate when certain conditions are met and to execute "tasks" in response. By installing the AutoRemote plugin for Tasker your Android device is assigned a device key and a personal URL which, when visited using a web browser, allows you to send:
- messages containing an arbitrary text or command payload
- notifications that display in the Android notification tray
and to respond to them on the Android device by executing Tasker tasks. Using this library you can send these messages and notifications from your Clojure programs instead.
Add this library to your project dependencies:
:dependencies [[ca.clojureist/autoremote "0.1.2"]]
After you have required the autoremote
(require '[ca.clojureist.autoremote :as autoremote])
you can send a message using
(autoremote/send-message key & args)
and a notification using
(autoremote/send-notification key & args)
In both cases you will require the device key for the device you are sending to.
In order to obtain the AutoRemote key for your Android device you need to obtain the personal URL shown on the home activity of the AutoRemote plugin:
- Start the AutoRemote application on your Android device
- Record the personal URL having format
- Visit your personal URL in a web browser
- After being redirected…
- Copy the value of key query parameter in the final URL
- Call
(autoremote/url-to-key "")
To send a message use the send-message
(autoremote/send-message key & args)
For example, to send a message containing the string "hello":
(autoremote/send-message your-device-key :message "hello")
The list of message parameters currently available includes:
For more detail about the meaning of each parameter please refer to the AutoRemote documentation.
To send a notification use the send-notification
(autoremote/send-notification key & args)
For example, to send a notification with the title "Foo" and content "Bar":
(autoremote/send-notification your-device-key :title "Foo" :text "Bar")
The list of notification parameters currently available includes:
For more detail about the meaning of each parameter please refer to the AutoRemote documentation.
If successful, these functions will return a Ring-style response. You can check that the message was correctly sent using the (autoremote/sent?)
(if (autoremote/sent? response)
or by manually inspecting the :status
key of the response:
(if (= 200 (:status response))
NB: just because your message or notification was successfully sent does not mean it will be processed by the AutoRemote instance on the Android device. This might happen if, for example, you set a password on the device and forget to send it along with your message or notification.
The library uses Validateur to validate incoming data. If there is a problem with the function arguments you supply expect a Validateur-style response, e.g.
[false {:foo #{"description of problem with :foo" "another problem with :foo"}}]
where the first vector entry is false
to indicate an error, and the second entry is a map of keys from the map being validated with a corresponding set of error messages describing the problems that were detected.
A validation that is error-free will look like:
[true {}]
- Additional validation checks of message parameters
- Unit tests
- Break out validateur validation functions and contribute them back or add to separate validations library
Copyright © 2013 Robert Medeiros
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.