This is a direct port of Normalize.css to the garden Clojure CSS generation library.
I do not take any credit for the contained styles, only for their translation into Garden syntax. Credit goes to the original authors of Normalize.css, Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal.
The library uses the scheme x.y.z-n
where the major, minor, and patch levels match the corresponding version of Normalize.css and the prerelease (-n
) is a integer used to indicate successive releases of this port.
Add the following dependency to your project.clj
Require the namespace containing the styles:
(:require [ca.clojurist.styles.normalize :as normalize])
Include the styles in your application:
(ns your.namespace
[garden.def :refer [defstyles]]
[ca.clojurist.styles.normalize :as normalize]))
(defstyles screen
From a REPL in your project root directory:
user=> (require '[garden.core :refer [css]])
user=> (require '[your.namespace])
user=> (css your.namespace/screen)
See the Garden for more information about generating CSS.
Copyright © 2017 Robert Medeiros
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.