
Criminal IP is a comprehensive OSINT-based Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) search engine that can be used as an automated Attack Surface Management solution.

Primary LanguagePython

Criminalip Zabbix Template

1. About (Criminal IP integrated with Zabbix)

Criminal IP is a comprehensive OSINT-based Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) search engine that can be used as an automated Attack Surface Management solution.

We have created a template that integrates Criminal IP with Zabbix's monitoring to detect all security threats related to your exposed IP and open ports. It will notify you once a day about the number of exposed CVEs, the number of Honeypot attacks, and more.

To retrieve data, you need a Criminal IP API key. You can register for a free account at https://www.criminalip.io/ and find your API key on the My Information page.

Please note that this template was created using malicious IP info from https://www.criminalip.io/en/developer/api/get-ip-malicious-info.

In addition to the alarm service, you can also check out more detailed insights through Criminal IP integrated with Zabbix. You can search for suitable APIs and use them easily.

For more information or customization, please refer to the Web Filter and API Development Guide below:

2. Zabbix Template Structure

1) Macros used







Text macro

2) Template links

There are no template links in this template.

3) Discovery rules




Additional info 

LLD Current Opened Ports

Zabbix Agent
Zabbix Agent (Active)


Update: 60s

You can check the open ports and vulnerability information of the target public IP.  

For more information, please refer to the Asset Search page at https://www.criminalip.io/en/asset

Item prototypes

Zabbix Agent
Zabbix Agent (Active)

check.criminalip.port[{#SOCKEY_TYPE}, {#PORT}]

Update: 60s

It creates the Socket type and Port of the current open port data and shows you the Vulnerability category.
Trigger prototypes
last(/Template Security Criminalip/check.criminalip.port[{#SOCKEY_TYPE}, {#PORT}])>0

The vulnerability is exposed to an open port of the target IP.

For more information, please refer to the Asset Search page at https://www.criminalip.io/en/asset

4) Items collected





Additional info 

Criminalip: Get Criminalip API


Zabbix Agent
Zabbix Agent(Active)


Update: 1d

You can get the get-ip-malicious-info information from https://api.criminalip.io and save it to a local file. 

(Saved file: /tmp/criminalip_cache.txt)

You can check more details at https://www.criminalip.io/en/asset

Criminalip: Sender Criminalip Malicious


Zabbix Agent
Zabbix Agent(Active)


Update: 1h

The saved local file, criminalip_cache.txt is read and sends you the number of vulnerabilities to the items of each Trigger type.  

Criminalip: Vulnerabilities CVE stats


Zabbix Triggers 


It counts the number of times the server has been exposed to a CVE vulnerability.

Criminalip: Vulnerabilities Honypot stats


Zabbix Triggers 


It counts the number of Honeypot attacks. 

Criminalip: Vulnerabilities Snort stats


Zabbix Triggers 


It counts the number of registered Public IPs at https://www.snort.org/

Criminalip: Vulnerabilities Webcam stats


Zabbix Triggers 


It counts the number of webcam exposure. 

5) Triggers




Additional info 

High Criminalip: Vulnerability exposed in {$CRIMINALIP_TARGET_PUBLIC_IP}

last(/Template Security Criminalip/criminalip.vulnerability.cve.count)>0

It triggers when the number of exposures to CVE vulnerability is greater than 0. 

You can check details at https://www.criminalip.io

Average Criminalip: {$CRIMINALIP_TARGET_PUBLIC_IP} has exposed the webcam externally. last(/Template Security Criminalip/criminalip.vulnerability.webcam.count)>0

It triggers when the webcam exposure is greater than 0. 

You can check details at https://www.criminalip.io

Warning Criminalip: {$CRIMINALIP_TARGET_PUBLIC_IP} is detected by Honeypot as a threat. last(/Template Security Criminalip/criminalip.vulnerability.honeypot.count)>0

It triggers when Honeypot detection is greater than 0. 

You can check details at https://www.criminalip.io

Warning Criminalip: {$CRIMINALIP_TARGET_PUBLIC_IP} is detected by Snort as a threat.

last(/Template Security Criminalip/criminalip.vulnerability.snort.count)>0

It triggers when IDS(snort) detection is greater than 0. 

You can check details at https://www.criminalip.io

6) Graph

 Graph name  Item Name 
Criminalip: malicious info

Template Security Criminalip: Criminalip: Vulnerabilities Honeypot stats    all
Template Security Criminalip: Criminalip: Vulnerabilities Snort stats all
Template Security Criminalip: Criminalip: Vulnerabilities CVE stats all
Template Security Criminalip: Criminalip: Vulnerabilities Webcam stats all

4. Zabbix Server Settings

Edit ExternalScripts in the Zabbix server.

vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf :


Restart the Zabbix server.

$ systemctl restart zabbix-server

5. Zabbix Agent Settings

Mandatory installation

  • The Zabbix-sender must be installed.

Register UserParameter Create and save the /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/criminalip.conf file

vi /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/criminalip.conf :

UserParameter=get.criminalip.api[*],/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/Get_criminalip_data.py $1
UserParameter=check.criminalip.port[*],/usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/Check_has_vulnerability.py $1 $2

Save the following Python script (UserParameter), which is stored in GIT, to the /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/ directory

ls /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/ :


Changing permissions with Zabbix ``` $ chown -Rf zabbix:zabbix /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/ ```

Edit the file /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/Get_criminalip_data.py

  • ${CRIMINALIP_API_KEY}: Register API_KEY issued from https://www.criminalip.io/

    vi /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/Get_criminalip_data.py :

Edit the file /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/FileRead_count_criminalip.py

  • ${ZABBIX_SERVER_IP}: Enter the Zabbix server or Proxy IP
  • ${ZABBIX_SERVER_PORT}: Enter the Zabbix server or Proxy IP

    vi /usr/lib/zabbix/externalscripts/FileRead_count_criminalip.py :

Install the Python library to use the UserParameter script ``` $ pip install requests $ pip install py-zabbix ```

Restart Zabbix agent

$ systemctl restart zabbix-agent

## 6. Test Process __Run on a Zabbix server__

Check the Criminal IP API to verify if the searched information is stored properly to /tmp/criminalip_cache.txt

  • ${ZABBIX_AGENT_IPADDRESS}: Enter the Access IP where the Zabbix agent is installed, accessed by the Zabbix server (or proxy)
  • ${CRIMINALIP_TARGET_PUBLIC_IP}: Enter the Public IP target (macro registration) to detect threats
$ zabbix_get -s ${ZABBIX_AGENT_IPADDRESS} -k get.criminalip.api[${CRIMINALIP_TARGET_PUBLIC_IP}]

Data saved to file: /tmp/criminalip_cachefile.txt

cat /tmp/criminalip_cachefile.txt :

    "datetime": "2023-03-28T12:34:06.038880",
    "ids_count": 0,
    "vulnerability_count": 39,
    "webcam_count": 0,
    "scanning_record_count": 0,
        {"socket_type": "tcp", "port": 22, "protocol": "ssh", "product_name": "openssh", "product_version": "7.4", "has_vulnerability": true, "confirmed_time": "2023-02-21 16:58:52"},
        {"socket_type": "tcp", "port": 80, "protocol": "http", "product_name": "openssl", "product_version": "1.0.2k", "has_vulnerability": true, "confirmed_time": "2023-02-22 03:24:31"},
        {"socket_type": "tcp", "port": 443, "protocol": "https", "product_name": "openssl", "product_version": "1.0.2k", "has_vulnerability": true, "confirmed_time": "2023-02-05 03:01:50"}

Check whether the discovery function of the saved local file works correctly

  • ${ZABBIX_AGENT_IPADDRESS}: Enter the Access IP where the Zabbix agent is installed, accessed by the zabbix_server (or proxy)
        {"{#SOCKEY_TYPE}": "tcp", "{#PROTOCOL}": "ssh", "{#PORT}": 22, "{#PRODUCT_NAME}": "openssh", "{#PRODUCT_VERSION}": "7.4", "{#HAS_VULNERABILITY}": true, "{#CONFIRMED_TIME}": "2023-02-21 16:58:52"},
        {"{#SOCKEY_TYPE}": "tcp", "{#PROTOCOL}": "http", "{#PORT}": 80, "{#PRODUCT_NAME}": "openssl", "{#PRODUCT_VERSION}": "1.0.2k", "{#HAS_VULNERABILITY}": true, "{#CONFIRMED_TIME}": "2023-02-22 03:24:31"},
        {"{#SOCKEY_TYPE}": "tcp", "{#PROTOCOL}": "https", "{#PORT}": 443, "{#PRODUCT_NAME}": "openssl", "{#PRODUCT_VERSION}": "1.0.2k", "{#HAS_VULNERABILITY}": true, "{#CONFIRMED_TIME}": "2023-02-05 03:01:50"}