
A lightweight organization tool for your media library.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight organization tool for your media library


sudo curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/t-sullivan/seasons/master/seasons.py -o seasons.py


python3 seasons.py [OPTIONS] TITLE [DIR [DIR ...]]


TITLE                 specify a TV show title
DIR                   specify source directories

The current working directory is the default input and output location if DIR is not supplied.


-h, --help            show this help message and exit
-c, --copy            copy files to output location
                      specify the starting episode number
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                      specify an output location
-q, --quiet           suppress prompts and proceed with writing files
                      specify the starting season number
-S SCHEME, --scheme SCHEME
                      define a custom episode naming scheme
-v, --verbose         display file paths in full
--version             show program's version number and exit

Examples of Use

Renaming multiple seasons of a series

Consider the scenario in which we have multiple seasons of a series that we need to rename.

Let's say our file structure looks like this:

Game of Thrones (working directory)
│   │   got101.mp4
│   │   got102.mp4
│   │   got103.mp4
|       ...
    │   got201.mp4
    │   got202.mp4
    |   got203.mp4

We run our command:

python3 seasons.py 'Game of Thrones' S01 S02

The resulting file structure will look like this:

Game of Thrones (working directory)
└───Season 01
│   │   Game of Thrones - S01E01.mp4
│   │   Game of Thrones - S01E02.mp4
│   │   Game of Thrones - S01E03.mp4
|       ...
└───Season 02
    │   Game of Thrones - S02E01.mp4
    │   Game of Thrones - S02E02.mp4
    |   Game of Thrones - S02E03.mp4

Copying files to a new directory

Consider the scenario where we have several .mkv files in our current working directory. We want to copy the files to B where Plex will be able to find the content and add it to our media library.

  1. We define our output location with the --output option. If this location does not exist, it will be created.
  2. Since we want the files to be copied to a new location and not moved, we denote that with the --copy option.
  3. The episodes used in this example start at 105 and we can specify that with the --episodestart option.
  4. Next we input our desired show title. In this case 'Dragon Ball Super'.
  5. Finally we have our source directory A.
python3 seasons.py -o B/ -c -e 105 'Dragon Ball Super' A/

Any proposed changes will be displayed with a prompt to proceed with renaming or to exit without saving.

[COPY] from [A/Dragon Ball Super - 105 [1080p].mkv] to [B/Season 01/Dragon Ball Super - S01E105.mkv]
[COPY] from [A/Dragon Ball Super - 106 [1080p].mkv] to [B/Season 01/Dragon Ball Super - S01E106.mkv]
[COPY] from [A/Dragon Ball Super - 107 [1080p].mkv] to [B/Season 01/Dragon Ball Super - S01E107.mkv]
[COPY] from [A/Dragon Ball Super - 108 [1080p].mkv] to [B/Season 01/Dragon Ball Super - S01E108.mkv]
Write files? [(y)es, (n)o, (q)uit]

Custom Naming Scheme

You have the option to define an episode naming scheme to your liking using variables for series title, season number, and episode number.

Variable Description Result
{t} Series title "Example Title"
{t.dot} Series title with dots "Example.Title"
{s} Season # "1"
{s.pad} Season # padded to 2 digits "01"
{e} Episode # "3"
{e.pad} Episode # padded to 2 digits "03"
python3 seasons.py -S '{t.dot}.{s}{e}' -o B/ -c 'Dragon Ball Super' A/
[COPY] from [A/Dragon Ball Super - 01 [1080p].mkv] to [B/Season 01/Dragon.Ball.Super.101.mkv]
[COPY] from [A/Dragon Ball Super - 02 [1080p].mkv] to [B/Season 01/Dragon.Ball.Super.102.mkv]
[COPY] from [A/Dragon Ball Super - 03 [1080p].mkv] to [B/Season 01/Dragon.Ball.Super.103.mkv]
[COPY] from [A/Dragon Ball Super - 04 [1080p].mkv] to [B/Season 01/Dragon.Ball.Super.104.mkv]
Write files? [(y)es, (n)o, (q)uit]