NodeJs 'Nodepop' Project

Server Deployment Project

Check out this NodeJs project and one of my React's projects deployed at Amazon Web Services using Nginx.

Vallapop React:
Nodepop NodeJS:


This project is a webside simulation that uses an API to show adverts posted by people
that are ether selling or looking for a certain product.

The website uses Node.js , Express.js , MongoDB and libraries like i18n , Cote , jsonwebtoken ,
bcrypt, Jimp or Multer

What will you need?

First, clone the project with:

git clone

Then, you will need to have NodeJs, MongoDB and ExpressJS installed as we will be using them
to run de website.

Here you can download NodeJs:

And here you can download MongoDB:

Install ExpressJS framework:

npm i express

Copy .env.example to .env

cp .env.example .env

and review your configuration.

Instuctions to run the website

Run MongoDB.
Depending on your OS, there are different commands to run it, choose the right one for you:

  • Windows: net start MongoDB
  • Mac: mongod
  • Linux: sudo systemctl start mongod

Run the following command to load the initial data
that is the website's and database's content:

node initDB

Run the app:

npm run dev

Open your browser and go to:
http://localhost:3000/ to see the main page or
http://localhost:3000/api/products to see the API's data but, this data is protected with Json Web Token
so in order to see the content yo must log in first.

Here is what you can expect to see:

alt text

alt text


The website has been translated, so you have the options to choose between English or Spanish.

There is a Login button which will lead you to a Login form.

The only credentials that are accepted are

user : password : 1234
user : password : 1234

As for now, the session is not being saved. This is a test function to be upgrated in the near future

GET /api/login

A very easy way to log in and obtain the JWT Token to check out the API's content is
using Postman or any other similar platforms.
Here is an image with the creentials you can use to log in and the way the response must look.
The token expires in 2 days.

alt text


One of the challenges was to create a microservice which will create a thumbnail of every photo
uploaded with the advert.
First, open another terminal and move to the folder microservices

cd microservices

Run the microservice

npx nodemon resizeService.js

Ones is running, every time an advert is uploaded, a copy of the image will be made, rezised to 100x100
and added to the thumbnail folder that will be created in the /public folder the first time you upload an

POST /api/products

You can post your own 'advert' on the website.
Remember to copy the token after logging in and paste it on the URL


or adding Authorization to the petition's Headers and adding it as its value.

Here is how it looks like:

alt text


If you wish to filter the data there are several ways to do so.
Here are some ways depending on what would you like to see. You can conbine them all
by adding & between them.

A combination of some of them: http://localhost:3000/?tag=school&sale=false&name=bottle&price=50&limit=2&sort=price

If you would like to see only the photo of a certain item just go to
http://localhost:3000/images/ image name taken from api photo:.jpg

For example: http://localhost:3000/images/backpack_levels_jeans.jpg