#Flask Blog Blueprint
##What is Flask Blog Blueprint?
Flask Blog Blueprint is a blueprint or extension for Flask that adds a blog system to any web application running on Flask.
If you want to add a blog to yout Flask-powered website this is for you.
##What does blog-blueprint offer?
- Open Source
- Easy to install
- Easy to uninstall
- Simple Blog system
- Support for Markdown syntax in the posts (using Flask-Misaka)
- Taggable Posts
- Restful API
- Customizable urls and routes
- Fully stylable interface and support for custom themes
- Fully editable templates
- Basic but powerfull Admin interface with all the needed functionality for posts (edit,delete,hide/show)
##What do I need to run blog-blueprint?
- A Flask app
- A text editor
- requirements.txt
##How do I install / enable it?
- Download / fork this repo
- Copy blog folder and setup.py from the root folder of this repo and paste it in the root folder of your Flask web application ( which is where the main file is located)
- Install requirements.txt via pip using the command "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Open the main file of your blog and these lines after "app = Flask(_name_)" or its equivalent
from blog import blog,Config
app.register_blueprint(blog.blog, url_prefix=Config.base_url)
\#where app is the name of your Flask object
- Configure (if you want) the blog by editing the files "Routes.py" and "Config.py" located in the blog folder you just pasted
- I suggest to edit at least secret_key, username and password in "Config.py"
- Run setup.py from the root directory of your app.
- Restart your app
- Comments
- Finish the API
- Improve the code
- Implement a configutation page
##Screenshoots This is just the default template, you can fully customize it by editing .html and .css files! ###Home Page ###Single Post View ###Admin Interface
##License MIT License