
Gotta catch 'em all!

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Smithy-rs PokémonService API

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Gotta catch 'em all!

Package showing how you can build an API using smithy-rs

How to checkout

First of all, make sure you have the JVM installed at version 11 (17 should work as well).

❯❯❯ git clone https://github.com/crisidev/smithy-rs-pokemon-service
❯❯❯ cd smithy-rs-pokemon-service
❯❯❯ git submodule init
❯❯❯ git submodule update  # the submodule is big, be patient =)

How to build

This package requires an initial build using Gradle to generate the Cargo workspace:

❯❯❯ ./gradlew assemble

After the first build, if there are changes to the model, the command above must be run again to ensure the SDK crate is up to date.

Once the SDK is generated, normal Cargo commands will work as expected:

❯❯❯ cargo build
❯❯❯ cargo run
❯❯❯ cargo test

If you need to perform a full cleanup:

❯❯❯ ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew assemble

Run and test

There are end-to-end unit tests that can be run with

❯❯❯ cargo test

To run and test the service manually:

❯❯❯ RUST_LOG=aws_smithy_http_server=debug,pokemon_service=debug cargo run
❯❯❯ curl -k -H "Accept: application/json" https://localhost:13734/pokemon-species/pikachu |jq

Build my own project

Gradle and Smithy can be intimidating and Smithy-rs is not jet released on Maven. For this reason, this repository provides a script that can be used to provision a new project: the script generates all the necessary Gradle scaffolding and provides code-generation using a GIT sub-module.

❯❯❯ ./docs/template/new.sh service-crate-name destination-directory

For example this command

❯❯❯ ./docs/template/new.sh pokemon-service /tmp/pokemon-service

will generate a new Gradle project inside /tmp/pokemon-service, a Cargo workspace with 3 crates, pokemon-service, the business logic, pokemon-service-server-sdk, the server Smithy-rs SDK for the server (code-generated) and pokemon-service-client-sdk, the client Smithy-rs SDK (code-generated).

The repo will only generate the SDKs for client and server for the very simple model that can be found here. This is done by providing a smithy-build.json.

Once this command has succeeded, you can use these commands in the new repo:

❯❯❯ ./gradlew clean && ./gradlew assemble   # regenerate after a model change.
❯❯❯ cargo build                             # build the workspace.
❯❯❯ cargo run                               # run the service.
❯❯❯ cargo test                              # test the workspace.


There are some slides built with Marp in the docs/slides folder that can be viewed by opening the rendered HTML.

Slides can be rebuilt by running:

❯❯❯ cd docs && marp slides.md

Generate a new SSL self-signed CA

❯❯❯ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -days 3650 -nodes \
  -keyout certs/localhost.key -out certs/localhost.crt -subj "/CN=localhost" \
  -addext "basicConstraints=critical,CA:false" \
  -addext "subjectAltName=DNS:localhost"