
A simple way to integrate jquery with native components

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple way to integrate jquery with native web-components

Download: 1.2.1

CDN (JSDELIVR) 1.2.1 1.2.1-minified

    .onCreate(function () { this.hello = "Hello World"; })
    .connectedCallback(function ($host) { $host.find('p').text(this.hello); })
    .attributeChangedCallback(($host, changed) => {
        if(changed.name === 'color'){
            $host.find('p').css('color', changed.newValue);
    }, ['color'])
        changeMessage: async function (newMessage) {
            const $host = await this.$host;
            $host.find('p').text(`"${this.hello}" changed with "${newMessage}"`);
$(document).ready(() => {
    $('button[is=fancy-button]').click(() => {
        $('fluent-component').changeMessage("Hello universe!");
    $('#btn-color').click(() => {
        const randomColor = Math.floor(Math.random()*16777215).toString(16);
        $('fluent-component').attr('color', '#'+randomColor);

For callbacks, arrow or anon functions can be used. Use anon functions if you want to access the webcomponent's scope, besides $host provided as arg.

In the above example see how this.hello is available in any callback. (this would not be possible if callback was arrow). But of course if only $host is needed, one can use just arrow instead.

The functions provided to extend object argument shouldn't be arrows. These are attached to webcomponent's prototype. See above how we access changeMessage.

Extending native html elements with fluent builder is simple:

$wc(HTMLButtonElement).define('fluent-button',  'button');

Builder methods:

  • template - could be a html string or a template id
  • templateSources - array of paths of template html or css files. (this has precedence over template method)
  • extend - object of methods that will attached to the web-component.
  • lifecycle web-components methods:
    • onCreate - called on web-component creation
    • connectedCallback - called when wc is connected with a $host (the shadowRoot host) arg.
    • disconnecteCallback - called when wc is disconnected
    • attributeChangedCallback - one must provide the callback, and an array of observed attributes. When attr has changed callack is called with $host, and a changed object containing attr name, oldValue, and newValue
  • define - terminal method that will define the component; it takes the name and, as optional, the html element tag name.

Iteracting with web-component

  • getting the shadowRoot
  • getting the shadowRoot host:
      const $host = await $('fluent-component').$host();
      $host.find('p').css('outline', '1px solid red');
    Note that this returns a promise because the template might be loaded asynchronous with templateSources
  • query a slot:
    const slot = $host.slot('slot[name=my-slot]')
  • placing an element into a slot:
    const div = $host.slot($('<div>'), "my-slot");
  • getting a method cretead with extend
    $('fluent-component').changeMessage("Hello universe!");