
Subdomain IP finder

Primary LanguagePython


Python Version: 3.9 Pipenv

Subdomain/IP Finder

This is a simple script in charge of finding the subdomains of a giving domain.

  • Enter a domain without http or https like this apple.com
  • The script then iterates over the subdomains.txt content and uses requests to try and verify if a giving subdomain exists
  • If it exists is saved to discovered_subdomains.txt file (if doesnt exists it will be created)
  • It then uses socket to get the IP of the found subdomains and save the IP's to the ips.txt file

Start the script

To start the script just clone this repository, enter the folder and then pipenv shell, once the virtualenv is done starting pipenv install, this will use the Pipfile.lock to install the required packages for the script to work. After this just run:

python main.py

This will run the script and generate the files with the discovered subdomains and ip's