- 1
Failed to parse non-indented forwarded emails
#18 opened by katlim-br - 5
Add types for the library
#5 opened by pwalsh - 6
Cannot find module './build/Release/re2.node'
#16 opened by BuslovSirin - 2
- 2
Outsource regexes?
#11 opened by Myzel394 - 10
- 2
base64 encoded emails
#14 opened by lydiastepanek - 1
Improve coverage of IONOS by 1 & 1
#9 opened by eliottvincent - 3
GMail Plain Text Wrapping
#12 opened by spib - 3
- 1
Python version?
#10 opened by Myzel394 - 2
- 5
error while importing package
#6 opened by gagandt - 11
- 4