A set of custom ESLint configurations and rules for Crisp.
😘 Maintainers: @baptistejamin, @eliottvincent
The plugin provides two configurations:
: JS rules targetting backend code (Node.js)crisp/recommended-vue
: JS rules targetting frontend code (Vue.js)
Add the plugin in your ESLint config object, then extend the desired configuration:
"plugins": [
"extends": [
// OR "plugin:crisp/recommended-vue"
This is the list of plugins and rules used by ESLint Plugin Crisp, and what they do.
Each item has emojis denoting:
- 🟠: enabled in
- 🟢: enabled in
Name | Description | 🟠| 🟢 |
eslint:recommended | Core ESLint rules | 🟢 | |
plugin:jsdoc/recommended | JSDoc linting rules | 🟠| 🟢 |
plugin:vue/vue3-recommended | Vue.js 3 linting rules | 🟢 | |
plugin:vue-pug/vue3-recommended | Pug templates support for Vue.js linting rules | 🟢 |
Name | Description | 🟠| 🟢 |
eslint-plugin-jsdoc | JSDoc linting rules for ESLint | 🟠| 🟢 |
Name | Description | 🟠| 🟢 |
arrow-parens | Requires parentheses around arrow function arguments | 🟠| 🟢 |
brace-style | Enforces one true brace style for blocks | 🟠| 🟢 |
comma-dangle | Disallows trailing commas | 🟠| 🟢 |
comma-spacing | Enforces consistent spacing before and after commas | 🟢 | |
comma-style | Requires a comma after and on the same line | 🟠| 🟢 |
curly | Ensures block statements are always wrapped in curly braces | 🟠| 🟢 |
computed-property-spacing | Disallows spaces inside computed property brackets | 🟢 | |
default-param-last | Enforces default parameters to be last | 🟠| 🟢 |
default-case-last | Enforces default clauses in switch statements to be last | 🟠| 🟢 |
dot-notation | Enforces dot notation instead of square-bracket notation | 🟠| 🟢 |
eqeqeq | Requires the use of === and !== |
🟠| 🟢 |
eol-last | Requires newline at the end of files | 🟠| 🟢 |
indent | Enforces 2-space indentation, and specific indentation levels for some nodes | 🟠| 🟢 |
for-direction | Prevents for-loops to have stop condition that can never be reached | 🟠| 🟢 |
key-spacing | Enforces consistent spacing in object literal properties (no space between the key and the colon, one space between the colon and the value) | 🟢 | |
keyword-spacing | Enforces consistent spacing before and after keywords | 🟠| 🟢 |
linebreak-style | Enforces Unix-style line endings | 🟠| 🟢 |
max-len | Enforces a maximum line length of 80 characters | 🟠| |
newline-per-chained-call | Requires a newline after each call in a method chain | 🟢 | |
no-console | Disallows the use of console |
🟠| 🟢 |
no-debugger | Disallows the use of debugger |
🟠| 🟢 |
no-eval | Disallows the use of eval |
🟠| 🟢 |
no-magic-numbers | Disallows magic numbers (except the ones in the context of array indexes and in default value assignments) | 🟠| |
no-multi-str | Disallows multiline strings | 🟠| 🟢 |
no-multiple-empty-lines | Allows a maximum of 1 consecutive empty lines | 🟢 | |
no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs | Disallows mixed spaces and tabs for indentation | 🟠| 🟢 |
no-restricted-syntax | Enforces switch case 's content to be enclosed in braces |
🟢 | |
no-tabs | Disallows tabs | 🟠| 🟢 |
no-trailing-spaces | Disallows trailing whitespace at the end of lines | 🟠| 🟢 |
no-undef | Disallows use of undeclared variables | 🟠| 🟢 |
no-unused-vars | Disallows unused variables | 🟠| 🟢 |
no-unsafe-optional-chaining | Disallows use of optional chaining in contexts where the undefined value is not allowed |
🟠| 🟢 |
object-curly-newline | Requires line breaks after opening and before closing braces | 🟠| 🟢 |
object-curly-spacing | Requires spacing inside of braces | 🟠| 🟢 |
padded-blocks | Disallows empty lines at the beginning and ending of blocks | 🟠| 🟢 |
padding-line-between-statements | Requires padding lines between various statements | 🟠| 🟢 |
prefer-arrow-callback | Requires using arrow functions for callbacks | 🟢 | |
quotes | Enforces the consistent use of double quotes (while allowing single quotes in order to avoid escape, and backticks for template literals) | 🟠| 🟢 |
quote-props | Disallows quotes around object literal property names that are not strictly required | 🟠| 🟢 |
semi | Requires semicolons at the end of statements | 🟠| 🟢 |
semi-style | Enforces that semicolons are at the end of statements | 🟠| 🟢 |
semi-spacing | Disallows space before semicolons, enforces spaces after | 🟢 | |
space-before-blocks | Enforces consistent spacing before blocks | 🟠| 🟢 |
space-in-parens | Enforces zero spaces inside of parentheses | 🟠| 🟢 |
space-infix-ops | Enforces spaces around infix operators | 🟢 |
Name | Description | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/align-comments | Enforces alignment of comments compared to the previous line (the indent rule doesn't check this case) |
🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/align-consecutive-class-assignements | Enforces alignment of consecutive assignment statements in a class constructor | 🟠| |
crisp/align-one-var | Enforces alignment of variables in 'one-var' statements | 🟠| |
crisp/align-requires | Enforces alignment of require statements | 🟠| |
crisp/const | Enforces that const variables start with __ or are all uppercase |
🟠| |
crisp/constructor-variables | Ensures all class properties in the constructor start with _ |
🟠| |
crisp/enforce-optional | Enforces use of optional chaining | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/header-check | Enforces files to start with Crisp header | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/header-comments-check | Enforces different comment blocks before different groups (imports, constants, instances and exports) | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/import-group-comment | Ensures import statements are preceded by a comment stating their type |
🟢 | |
crisp/import-group-order | Ensures import statements are correctly ordered |
🟢 | |
crisp/methods-naming | Ensures methods are named according to their access (public , private , protected ) |
🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/methods-ordering | Ensures methods order according to their access: public then protected then private |
🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/multiline-comment-end-backslash | Enforces multiline comments to end with a backslash | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/newline-after-switch-case | Requires newline between switch cases | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/no-async | Disallows the use of async/syntax , in favor of Promise |
🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/no-short-parameters | Disallow parameter names shorter than 3 characters | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/no-space-in-optional-arguments | Disallows space before or after = in optional parameters |
🟠| |
crisp/no-useless-template-literals | Disallows unnecessary use of template literals | 🟢 | |
crisp/no-var-in-blocks | Disallows var declarations inside function, method, or class block |
🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/one-space-after-operator | Enforces at least one space before and one space after = and : operators |
🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/regex-in-constructor | Ensures regular expressions are defined in the class constructor | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/ternary-parenthesis | Enforces parentheses around conditions with operators in ternary expressions | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/two-lines-between-class-members | Requires exactly two line breaks between class methods | 🟠| |
crisp/variable-names | Requires variables defined within a method to start with _ |
🟠| 🟢 |
Name | Description | 🟠| 🟢 |
jsdoc/no-undefined-types | Rule is disabled to allow some undefined types | 🟠| |
jsdoc/require-description | Requires all functions to have a description in their JSDoc | 🟢 | |
jsdoc/require-param-description | Rule is disabled as we don't write any description for @param tags |
🟠| 🟢 |
jsdoc/require-jsdoc | Enforces JSDoc comments on functions and classes | 🟠| 🟢 |
jsdoc/sort-tags | Enforces specific order for tags | 🟠| 🟢 |
Name | Description | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/jsdoc-align-params | Enforces various alignments | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/jsdoc-check-indentation | Enforces consistent indentation | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/jsdoc-check-optional-params | Requires optional parameters to be surrounded by brackets | 🟢 | |
crisp/jsdoc-enforce-access | Requires one of @public , @private , or @protected for functions |
🟢 | |
crisp/jsdoc-enforce-classdesc | Ensures JSDoc for class headers to include a non-empty @classdesc |
🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/jsdoc-require-description-uppercase | Requires descriptions to start with an uppercase character | 🟠| 🟢 |
Name | Description | 🟠| 🟢 |
vue/attributes-order | Enforces order of attributes | 🟢 | |
vue/block-lang | Allows script blocks to have no lang attribute |
🟢 | |
vue/block-order | Enforces order of component top-level elements (template , then script , then style ) |
🟢 | |
vue/block-tag-newline | Requires one line break after opening and before closing block-level tags | 🟢 | |
vue/comma-dangle | Disallows trailing commas in <template> |
🟢 | |
vue/component-api-style | Enforces Options API style | 🟢 | |
vue/component-name-in-template-casing | Enforces tag names to kebab case | 🟢 | |
vue/component-options-name-casing | Enforces component names in components options to pascal case |
🟢 | |
vue/custom-event-name-casing | Enforces custom event names to camel case | 🟢 | |
vue/eqeqeq | Requires the use of === and !== in <template> |
🟢 | |
vue/html-comment-content-spacing | Requires one space before and after HTML comment tags | 🟢 | |
vue/html-quotes | Rule is disabled in order to allow backticks in HTML attributes | 🟢 | |
vue/key-spacing | Enforces consistent spacing in object literal properties in <template> (no space between the key and the colon, one space between the colon and the value) |
🟢 | |
vue/match-component-import-name | Requires the registered component name to match the imported component name | 🟢 | |
vue/max-len | Enforces a maximum line length of 80 characters (only for <script> ) |
🟢 | |
vue/new-line-between-multi-line-property | Requires new lines between multi-line props |
🟢 | |
vue/no-bare-strings-in-template | Disallows the use of bare strings in <template> |
🟢 | |
vue/no-irregular-whitespace | Disallows irregular / invalid whitespaces | 🟢 | |
vue/no-multiple-objects-in-class | Disallows to pass multiple objects into array to class HTML property |
🟢 | |
vue/no-mutating-props | Disallows mutation of component props (except shallow mutation) | 🟢 | |
vue/no-static-inline-styles | Disallows static inline style attributes | 🟢 | |
vue/no-use-v-else-with-v-for | Disallows using v-else-if/v-else on the same element as v-for (works but confusing) |
🟢 | |
vue/no-useless-v-bind | Disallows unnecessary v-bind directives |
🟢 | |
vue/no-v-html | Rule is disabled in order to allow the use of v-html |
🟢 | |
vue/padding-line-between-blocks | Requires padding lines between blocks | 🟢 | |
vue/padding-lines-in-component-definition | Requires padding lines in component definition | 🟢 | |
vue/prefer-true-attribute-shorthand | Requires shorthand form attribute when v-bind value is true |
🟢 | |
vue/require-direct-export | Requires the component to be directly exported | 🟢 | |
vue/v-for-delimiter-style | Enforces the use of in delimiter in v-for directive |
🟢 | |
vue/v-slot-style | Disallows v-slot shorthand style |
🟢 |
Name | Description | 🟠| 🟢 |
crisp/vue-attribute-comma | Disallows trailing comma after attribute | 🟢 | |
crisp/vue-attribute-linebreak | Enforces linebreak before first attribute and after last attribute | 🟢 | |
crisp/vue-computed-order | Ensures computed properties are alphabetically ordered | 🟢 | |
crisp/vue-emits-order | Ensures emits properties are alphabetically ordered | 🟢 | |
crisp/vue-header-check | Ensures script , template and style tags start with corresponding comment block |
🟢 | |
crisp/vue-html-indent | Enforces consistent indentation in template (supports for Pug) |
🟢 | |
crisp/vue-html-quotes | Enforces HTML attributes to be enclosed with double quotes | 🟢 | |
crisp/vue-no-regex-data | Disallows regular expressions to be declared in Vue data object | 🟢 | |
crisp/vue-props-declaration-multiline | Enforces props declarations to be multiline | 🟢 | |
crisp/vue-props-declaration-order | Ensures props declarations are alphabetically ordered | 🟢 | |
crisp/vue-ref-case | Enforces ref attributes to snake case |
🟢 |
eslint-plugin-crisp is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.