
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


Library to encode and decode ThemeData and associated objects to / from JSON. This is currently an early release of the library.

This provides two main classes.

  • ThemeDecoder -- Provides functionality to decode theme related objects from JSON maps.
  • ThemeEncoder -- Provides functionality to encode theme related objects into JSON maps.

Note: Encoding and decoding is mostly bi-directionally compatible, but it is not fully bi-directionally compatible. That's because there are some properties in theme objects that exist on the constructors, but are not re-exposed as properties and only exposed as dynamic calculated values. Likewise, there are some dynamic classes (specifically custom Shape, Slider, and Decoration classes) that have no meaningful way of being encoded to JSON nor decoded from JSON.

The decodes utilize a JSON Schema validator to ensure the JSON is well formed. This validation is enabled by default in debug mode and disabled in release mode for performance reasons. Even in development mode, you can disable the validation by setting the optional validate parameter to false.

Live Example


The framework accepts both JSON-compatible objects as well as actual concrete instances being passed to the decode functions. For example, the following will properly decode:

var appBarTheme = ThemeDecoder.decodeAppBarTheme({
    'brightness': Brightness.dark,
    'color': '#ffdddddd'
  validate: false,

Schema Validation

The framework comes with a built-in JSON Schema validator. This validator is set to be enabled by default in debug mode but disabled in release and profile mode.

The JSON Schema validator can only validate pure JSON based objects. It cannot validate mixed JSON and concrete objects. If your application uses mixed JSON and concrete objects in the implementation you will either need to disable validation in the decode calls where mixed objects can be used (as is done in the example above) or disable validation globally for the entire application via:

import 'package:json_theme/json_theme_schemas.dart';

void main() {
  SchemaValidator.enabled = false;

  /// rest of app initialization goes here

Class Selection

As close as possible, the names used in the Dart APIs are replicated. However, there are instances where the class is different for things like Shape objects, or there's an enum like VerticalDirection. Those are all documented in this section.


Plain string that must be one of:

  • bottomCenter ==> Alignment.bottomCenter
  • bottomLeft ==> Alignment.bottomLeft
  • bottomRight ==> Alignment.bottomRight
  • center ==> Alignment.center
  • centerLeft ==> Alignment.centerLeft
  • centerRight ==> Alignment.centerRight
  • topCenter ==> Alignment.topCenter
  • topLeft ==> Alignment.topLeft
  • topRight ==> Alignment.topRight


Plain string that must be one of:

  • always ==> AutovalidateMode.always
  • disabled ==> AutovalidateMode.disabled
  • onUserInteraction ==> AutovalidateMode.onUserInteraction


Plain string that must be one of:

  • horizontal ==> Axis.horizontal
  • vertical ==> Axis.vertical


Plain string that must be one of:

  • clear ==> BlendMode.clear
  • color ==> BlendMode.color
  • colorBurn ==> BlendMode.colorBurn
  • colorDodge ==> BlendMode.colorDodge
  • darken ==> BlendMode.darken
  • difference ==> BlendMode.difference
  • dst ==> BlendMode.dst
  • dstATop ==> BlendMode.dstATop
  • dstIn ==> BlendMode.dstIn
  • dstOut ==> BlendMode.dstOut
  • dstOver ==> BlendMode.dstOver
  • exclusion ==> BlendMode.exclusion
  • hardLight ==> BlendMode.hardLight
  • hue ==> BlendMode.hue
  • lighten ==> BlendMode.lighten
  • luminosity ==> BlendMode.luminosity
  • modulate ==> BlendMode.modulate
  • multiply ==> BlendMode.multiply
  • overlay ==> BlendMode.overlay
  • plus ==> BlendMode.plus
  • saturation ==> BlendMode.saturation
  • screen ==> BlendMode.screen
  • softLight ==> BlendMode.softLight
  • src ==> BlendMode.src
  • srcATop ==> BlendMode.srcATop
  • srcIn ==> BlendMode.srcIn
  • srcOut ==> BlendMode.srcOut
  • srcOver ==> BlendMode.srcOver
  • xor ==> BlendMode.xor


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • all ==> BorderRadius.all
  • circular ==> BorderRadius.circular
  • horizontal ==> BorderRadius.horizontal
  • only ==> BorderRadius.only
  • vertical ==> BorderRadius.vertical


Plain string that must be one of:

  • none ==> BorderStyle.none
  • solid ==> BorderStyle.solid


Plain string that must be one of:

  • fixed ==> BottomNavigationBarType.fixed
  • shifting ==> BottomNavigationBarType.shifting


Plain string that must be one of:

  • contain ==> BoxFit.contain
  • cover ==> BoxFit.cover
  • fill ==> BoxFit.fill
  • fitHeight ==> BoxFit.fitHeight
  • fitWidth ==> BoxFit.fitWidth
  • none ==> BoxFit.none
  • scaleDown ==> BoxFit.scaleDown


Plain string that must be one of:

  • constrained ==> ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.constrained
  • padded ==> ButtonBarLayoutBehavior.padded


Plain string that must be one of:

  • accent ==> ButtonTextTheme.accent
  • normal ==> ButtonTextTheme.normal
  • primary ==> ButtonTextTheme.primary


Plain string that must be one of:

  • antiAlias ==> Clip.antiAlias
  • antiAliasWithSaveLayer ==> Clip.antiAliasWithSaveLayer
  • hardEdge ==> Clip.hardEdge
  • none ==> Clip.none


Plain string that must be one of:

  • baseline ==> CrossAxisAlignment.baseline
  • center ==> CrossAxisAlignment.center
  • end ==> CrossAxisAlignment.end
  • start ==> CrossAxisAlignment.start
  • stretch ==> CrossAxisAlignment.stretch


Plain string that must be one of:

  • showFirst ==> CrossFadeState.showFirst
  • showSecond ==> CrossFadeState.showSecond


Plain string that must be one of:

  • background ==> DecorationPosition.background
  • foreground ==> DecorationPosition.foreground


Plain string that must be one of:

  • down ==> DragStartBehavior.down
  • start ==> DragStartBehavior.start

FilterQuality Plain string that must be one of:

  • high ==> FilterQuality.high
  • low ==> FilterQuality.low
  • medium ==> FilterQuality.medium
  • none ==> FilterQuality.none


Plain string that must be one of:

  • loose ==> FlexFit.loose
  • tight ==> FlexFit.tight


Plain string that must be one of:

  • scaling ==> FloatingActionButtonAnimator.scaling


Plain string that must be one of:

  • centerDocked ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerDocked
  • centerFloat ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerFloat
  • centerTop ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerTop
  • endDocked ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.endDocked
  • endFloat ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.endFloat
  • endTop ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.endTop
  • miniCenterDocked ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniCenterDocked
  • miniCenterFloat ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniCenterFloat
  • miniCenterTop ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniCenterTop
  • miniEndDocked ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniEndDocked
  • miniEndFloat ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniEndFloat
  • miniEndTop ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniEndTop
  • miniStartDocked ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniStartDocked
  • miniStartFloat ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniStartFloat
  • miniStartTop ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.miniStartTop
  • startDocked ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.startDocked
  • startFloat ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.startFloat
  • startTop ==> FloatingActionButtonLocation.startTop


Plain string that must be one of:

  • always ==> FloatingLabelBehavior.always
  • auto ==> FloatingLabelBehavior.auto
  • never ==> FloatingLabelBehavior.never


Plain string that must be one of:

  • bold ==> FontWeight.bold
  • normal ==> FontWeight.normal
  • w100 ==> FontWeight.w100
  • w200 ==> FontWeight.w200
  • w300 ==> FontWeight.w300
  • w400 ==> FontWeight.w400
  • w500 ==> FontWeight.w500
  • w600 ==> FontWeight.w600
  • w700 ==> FontWeight.w700
  • w800 ==> FontWeight.w800
  • w900 ==> FontWeight.w900


Plain string that must be one of:

  • italic ==> FontStyle.italic
  • normal ==> FontStyle.normal


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • linear ==> LinearGradient
  • radial ==> RadialGradient
  • sweep ==> SweepGradient


Plain string that must be one of:

  • deferToChild ==> HitTestBehavior.deferToChild
  • opaque ==> HitTestBehavior.opaque
  • translucent ==> HitTestBehavior.translucent


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • asset ==> AssetImage
  • memory ==> MemoryImage
  • network ==> NetworkImage


Plain string that must be one of:

  • noRepeat ==> ImageRepeat.noRepeat
  • repeat ==> ImageRepeat.repeat
  • repeatX ==> ImageRepeat.repeatX
  • repeatY ==> ImageRepeat.repeatY


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • outline ==> OutlineInputBorder
  • underline ==> UnderlineInputBorder


Plain string that must be one of:

  • splash ==> InkSplash.splashFactory
  • ripple ==> InkRipple.splashFactory


Plain string that must be one of:

  • center ==> MainAxisAlignment.center
  • end ==> MainAxisAlignment.end
  • spaceAround ==> MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround
  • spaceBetween ==> MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween
  • spaceEvenly ==> MainAxisAlignment.spaceEvenly
  • start ==> MainAxisAlignment.start


Plain string that must be one of:

  • min ==> MainAxisSize.min
  • max ==> MainAxisSize.max


Plain string that must be one of:

  • padded ==> MaterialTapTargetSize.padded
  • shrinkWrap ==> MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap


Plain string that must be one of:

  • button ==> MaterialType.button
  • canvas ==> MaterialType.canvas
  • card ==> MaterialType.card
  • circle ==>MaterialType.circle
  • transparency ==> MaterialType.transparency


Plain string that must be one of:

  • enforced ==> MaxLengthEnforcement.enforced
  • none ==> MaxLengthEnforcement.none
  • truncateAfterCompositionEnds ==> MaxLengthEnforcement.truncateAfterCompositionEnds


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • defer ==> MouseCursor.defer
  • material ==> MouseCursor.material
  • system ==> MouseCursor.system
  • uncontrolled ==> MouseCursor.uncontrolled


Plain string that must be one of:

  • all ==> NavigationRailLabelType.all
  • none ==> NavigationRailLabelType.none
  • selected ==> NavigationRailLabelType.selected


Plain string that must be one of:

  • circular ==> CircularNotchedRectangle

OutlinedBorder Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • stadium ==> BeveledRectangleBorder
  • circle ==> CircleBorder
  • rectangle ==> ContinuousRectangleBorder
  • rounded ==> RoundedRectangleBorder
  • stadium ==> StadiumBorder


Plain string that must be one of:

  • clip ==> Overflow.clip
  • visible ==> Overflow.visible


Plain string that must be one of:

  • clip ==> Overflow.clip
  • visible ==> Overflow.visible


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • circular ==> Radius.circular
  • elliptical ==> Radius.elliptical
  • zero ==> Radius.zero


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • round ==> RoundRangeSliderThumbShape


Plain string that must be one of: Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • round ==> RoundRangeSliderTickMarkShape


Plain string that must be one of:

  • rectangular ==> RectangularRangeSliderTrackShape
  • rounded ==> RoundedRectRangeSliderTrackShape


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • paddle ==> PaddleRangeSliderValueIndicatorShape
  • rectangular ==> RectangularRangeSliderValueIndicatorShape


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • center ==> Rect.fromCenter
  • circle ==> Rect.fromCircle
  • largest ==> Rect.largest
  • ltrb ==> Rect.fromLTRB
  • ltwh ==> Rect.fromLTWH
  • points ==> Rect.fromPoints
  • zero ==> Rect.zero


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • always ==> AlwaysScrollableScrollPhysics
  • bouncing ==> BouncingScrollPhysics
  • clamping ==> ClampingScrollPhysics
  • fixedExtent ==> FixedExtentScrollPhysics
  • never ==> NeverScrollableScrollPhysics
  • page ==> PageScrollPhysics
  • rangeMaintaining ==> RangeMaintainingScrollPhysics


Plain string that must be one of:

  • manual ==> ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.manual
  • onDrag ==> ScrollViewKeyboardDismissBehavior.onDrag


Requires a type value that must be one of:

  • circle ==> CircleBorder
  • rectangle ==> ContinuousRectangleBorder
  • rounded ==> RoundedRectangleBorder


Plain string that must be one of:

  • always ==> ShowValueIndicator.always
  • never ==> ShowValueIndicator.never
  • onlyForContinuous ==> ShowValueIndicator.onlyForContinuous
  • onlyForDiscrete ==> ShowValueIndicator.onlyForDiscrete


Plain string that must be one of:

  • noOverlay ==> SliderComponentShape.noOverlay
  • noOverlay ==> SliderComponentShape.noOverlay


Plain string that must be one of:

  • noTickMark ==> SliderTickMarkShape.noTickMark


Plain string that must be one of:

  • rectangular ==> RectangularSliderTrackShape
  • rounded ==> RoundedRectSliderTrackShape


Plain string that must be one of:

  • disabled ==> SmartDashesType.disabled
  • enabled ==> SmartDashesType.enabled


Plain string that must be one of:

  • disabled ==> SmartQuotesType.disabled
  • enabled ==> SmartQuotesType.enabled


Plain string that must be one of:

  • fixed ==> SnackBarBehavior.fixed
  • floating ==> SnackBarBehavior.floating


Plain string that must be one of:

  • expand ==> StackFit.expand
  • loose ==> StackFit.loose
  • passthrough ==> StackFit.passthrough


Plain string that must be one of:

  • label ==> ButtonTextTheme.label
  • tab ==> ButtonTextTheme.tab


Plain string that must be one of:

  • android ==> TargetPlatform.android
  • fuchsia ==> TargetPlatform.fuchsia
  • iOS ==> TargetPlatform.iOS
  • linux ==> TargetPlatform.linux
  • macOS ==> TargetPlatform.macOS
  • windows ==> TargetPlatform.windows


Plain string that must be one of:

  • center ==> TextAlign.center
  • end ==> TextAlign.end
  • justify ==> TextAlign.justify
  • left ==> TextAlign.left
  • right ==> TextAlign.right
  • start ==> TextAlign.start


Plain string that must be one of:

  • bottom ==> TextAlignVertical.bottom
  • center ==> TextAlignVertical.center
  • top ==> TextAlignVertical.top


Plain string that must be one of:

  • alphabetic ==> TextBaseline.alphabetic
  • ideographic ==> TextBaseline.ideographic


Plain string that must be one of:

  • characters ==> TextCapitalization.characters
  • none ==> TextCapitalization.none
  • sentences ==> TextCapitalization.sentences
  • words ==> TextCapitalization.words


Plain string that must be one of:

  • lineThrough ==> TextDecoration.lineThrough
  • none ==> TextDecoration.none
  • overline ==> TextDecoration.overline
  • underline ==> TextDecoration.underline


Plain string that must be one of:

  • dashed ==> TextDecorationStyle.dashed
  • dotted ==> TextDecorationStyle.dotted
  • double ==> TextDecorationStyle.double
  • solid ==> TextDecorationStyle.solid
  • wavy ==> TextDecorationStyle.wavy


Plain string that must be one of:

  • ltr ==> TextDirection.ltr
  • rtl ==> TextDirection.rtl


Plain string that must be one of:

  • continueAction ==> TextInputAction.continueAction
  • done ==> TextInputAction.done
  • emergencyCall ==> TextInputAction.emergencyCall
  • go ==> TextInputAction.go
  • join ==> TextInputAction.join
  • newline ==> TextInputAction.newline
  • next ==> TextInputAction.next
  • none ==> TextInputAction.none
  • previous ==> TextInputAction.previous
  • route ==> TextInputAction.route
  • search ==> TextInputAction.search
  • send ==> TextInputAction.send
  • unspecified ==> TextInputAction.unspecified


Plain string that must be one of:

  • datetime ==> TextInputType.datetime
  • emailAddress ==> TextInputType.emailAddress
  • multiline ==> TextInputType.multiline
  • name ==> TextInputType.name
  • number ==> TextInputType.number
  • phone ==> TextInputType.phone
  • streetAddress ==> TextInputType.streetAddress
  • text ==> TextInputType.text
  • url ==> TextInputType.url
  • visiblePassword ==> TextInputType.visiblePassword


Plain string that must be one of:

  • clip ==> TextOverflow.clip
  • ellipsis ==> TextOverflow.ellipsis
  • fade ==> TextOverflow.fade
  • visible ==> TextOverflow.visible


Plain string that must be one of:

  • longestLine ==> TextWidthBasis.longestLine
  • parent ==> TextWidthBasis.parent


Plain string that must be one of:

  • clamp ==> TileMode.clamp
  • decal ==> TileMode.decal
  • mirror ==> TileMode.mirror
  • repeated ==> TileMode.repeated


Plain string that must be one of:

  • down ==> VerticalDirection.down
  • up ==> VerticalDirection.up


Plain string that must be one of:

  • adaptivePlatformDensity ==> VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity
  • comfortable ==> VisualDensity.comfortable
  • compact ==> VisualDensity.compact
  • standard ==> VisualDensity.standard