
configuration file for zshell, vim, tmux, and more

Primary LanguageShell



  • zsh - usually installable from package managers (apt, brew, etc)
  • oh-my-zsh
  • tmux - install from package manager
  • git
  • python - to install YouCompleteMe


  • the silver searcher (ag) : not required, but you'll regret if you don't
  • fasd : absolutely amazing command-line type-saver based on 'frecency'
  • fzf : best fuzzy finder

backup previous dotfiles

mkdir -p ~/.dotfiles.backup
mv ~/.[^.]* ~/.dotfiles.backup/

The error message mv: rename /Users/[user]/.dotfiles.backup to /Users/[user]/.dotfiles.backup/.dotfiles.backup: Invalid argument is natural since it cannot place itself inside.

careful : This moves ALL dotfiles into the backup folder. Some other configuration files starting with '.' may not work and require restoration.

get new dotfiles

git clone [address]
mv dotfiles/* dotfiles/.[^.]* ~
rmdir dotfiles
git submodule init
git submodule update


chaning shell to zsh

chsh -s `which zsh`

install vim-plug (vim plugin manager) - personally the best plugin manager so far

curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \

to install the plugins listed, run :PlugInstall in vi




This will create a custom folder at $HOME/.dansuh and copy all conf files into that folder. A initializer command will be appended to .bashrc to make the shell use custom configuration files from $HOME/.dansuh.