- My CS:GO cheat, written with performance in mind.
- Currently in development, and I plan to keep this as such!
- @swoopae for his hasher.
- @Speedi13 for his Custom WINAPI functions.
- Other creators from whom I might've taken minimal contributions such as enumerators for various matters or even inspiration.
- Addresses are stored at entry point in an array, being accessable by the StaticAddresses enumerator.
- It would not be relevant to list every stored address, as you can directly peek within the PE utilities header to see them fairly verboosely listed within an enumerator.
- Interfaces are stored at entry point, and are accessible in the interfaces prototypes namespace.
- These are the current available interfaces:
- IBaseClientDLL
- ClientModeShared
- CGlobalVarsBase
- IVEngineClient
- IClientEntityList
- IEngineTraceClient
- IVDebugOverlay
- ISurface
- ICVar
- IInputSystem
- CModelInfo
- IVModelRenderer
- MaterialSystem
- Sinclair currently uses the GameOverlayRenderer.dll hooking utilities, and it comes with these specific hooks:
- CreateMove (ClientModeShared one)
- DrawCrosshair
- FrameStageNotify
- GetColorModulation
- GetCSWpnData
- GetCurrentGameType
- IsUsingStaticPropDebugModes
- Paint (Engine VGui)
- PushNotice (CCSGOHudChat one)
- SendNetMsg (CNetChan one)
- 'vsnprintf' (Game formatting function)
- Sinclair stores every prop with it's submember's offsets in a double unordered map at entry point that uses hashes.
- Alternatives could've been chose but it'd be likely that they'd be worse.
- Sinclair comes with an ISurface wrapper that uses DrawColoredText for non-widestring text rendering, and with the following geometry shapes available:
- Rectangle
- Rectangle Outline
- Line
- The aforementioned shapes also come with the following color preservation modes:
- Preserve
- Change and Restore
- Change
- Unique to others, it also has a get current color (Global to Surface) method in the wrapper.
- Sinclair is designed with what'd perform the best in mind, explaining the templates 'abuse'.
- This could be a trade off, due to possibly extended compilation times, but this should not be noticeable when compiling on computers that benefit from the multi-processor option.
- In this current stage, it is very likely for inconsistencies in code to be noticeable, if you notice any of those, please proceed with reporting them or even making a pull request solving them. Sometimes, inconsistencies might be there for actual practical matters, the consistency being though opposed by my coding style. These inconsistencies though should not be often apparent.
- Outside of aforementioned capabilities, actual features are:
- No Duck Delay
- Force Crosshair
- Dangerzone Compass
- Nightmode (with static prop/skybox modulation)
- net_graph watermark
- FileCRCCheck netmessage protobuf bypass
- Game bounding box calculated box ESP