This is the first project made at the Makers Academy course, We are supposed to build a program that will emulate all the docking stations, bikes, and infrastructure (repair staff, and so on) required to make the Boris Bikes a reality.

It is composed by 22 challenges. The goal of this projects it is not complete all of them but get knowledge, spending time in researches and learning how to solve problems.

How to start

Clone the repo and go to the project folder.

to run the tests gem install rspec then rspec on the command line.

to run the program run pry or irb, then require "./lib/classes"

to create a new docking station dockingStation =, to create a new bike bike =

example of the code working


The process

All the code was made doing TDD, this was a big challenge since we were just starting to code, as you can see it is really messy, however it was a great learning experience. For this project the approach was the following:

1- Pair programming everyday with a different partner.

2- Read a set of users stories.

3- Make a Domain Model/Diagram/Chart to solve the user stories.

4- TDD.

5- Repeat.

User Stories

Objects Messages
DockingStation release_bike
Bike working?
DockingStation dock_bike
DockingStation has_bike?
Bike docked?

DockingStation <-- release_bike --> a Bike
GoodBike <-- working? --> true/false DockingStation <-- dock_bike --> true/false

Final Chart
