
Okey everyone, so we made it through the -insert the week you are on- week (almost), and now we have the Merengue workshop, so... this is what's going to happen:

First, I will iterate over and over againg the "Merengue counts" Array, and will pass it as an input value. Then, you'll have to run a program that gets the input value and move a feet.

  • For the guys: When the input is 1 you will move your left feet, when 2 move the right feet.
  • For the ladys: When the input is 1 you will move your right feet, when 2 move the left.

The second step will be lot harder, when all the test are settled to green we will pass to the spins methods, as a group we will choose a name for every spin and create methods that takes the name as the input value and returns a really awesome merengue spin.

Here, I'll let you few suggestions on how to call your methods:

def move_left end

def move_right end

def basic_spin end

def the_eight (This is the translation from a spin) end

Learning Objectives

Goals for the week

Ask yourself the same two questions:

Are you having fun?

Are you a better developer dancer than you were yesterday?

Primary goal

By the end of the week, the goal is to be able to answer "yes" to the week's primary question:

Can you do a Basic Merengue Spin?

Concepts and skills for the week


  • Definition of Merengue.

  • Diference between Merengue and Salsa.

  • Merengue Spins Skills

  • Do the basic Merengue steps.

  • How to do some spins.

  • Structuring a dancing method to use for a complete song.

You will need:

  • Confy clothes and shoes.
  • Good attitude.
  • An open mind, merengue is a latin dance and you won't have personal space. (I mean it).
  • A good attitude, dancing is all about fun. It really doesn't matter how you do it, if you are having fun then you are doing it right.

What you don't need:

  • Feeling embarrassed. No one was born with all the info on how to do everything, Dancing is a skill and with practice it'll become more and more natural.
  • Feeling frustrated. You don't have to catch everything at once, nobody said it was easy (it's such a shame for us to part).

Extra info and resources:

  • The first 5/6 minutes will be a secret and you CANNOT tell what happens in those minutes.
  • If you want to learn an specific spin you can ask me any day you want.
  • I'll ask you if you want more classes to set them up.
  • If you want to get in the mood for merengue go to this playlist
  • Here you can watch a professional merengue dance. (I'm not in that level nor even close so don't be worry).


(Sorry, there's no easy way to learn Merengue, you will have to attend).