Bank tech-test
It has been requested to create a banking system, the user stories are the following:
As a user,
So I can have money on my bank Account,
I want to be able of making deposits.
As a user,
So I can use my money,
I want to be able of making withdrawals.
As a user,
So I can check how much money I have left,
I want to print my statements with my transactions and my balance.
As a Bank,
So people don't take more money than they have,
I want the system to throw an error if someone tries to withdraw more money than the available.
To solve the problem I followed this steps:
1- Created some user stories with the given information.
2- Made a simple chart with the basic idea of what I thought might work.
3- Made a simple test.
4- Passed the test.
5- refactored the code.
6- commited the result.
7- rechecked my logic thinking and chart.
8- repeated steps 3 to 7 until finished.
Final chart
To run the code
1- clone this repo.
2- run:
bundle install
to make sure you got all the gems then
bundle exec rspec
to check that all test are passing.
3- run:
or pry
4- require './lib/bank.rb'
, require './lib/account.rb'
and require './lib/transactions_list.rb'