This is an UNOFFICIAL Airbnb wrapper for GO Lang
Air-go covers the following features
Login Endpoints
- Login with user and pass
- Login with Facebook
- Login with Google
Get Info Endpoints
- Listing search
- Get Reviews
- View User Info
- View Listing info
Get User Endpoints
- Create message thread
- Get Messages
- Get User info
Host Listing Endpoints
Host Messages Endpoints
- Get Host Messages
- Pre-approve/Decline
- Reservation Request
- Get Reservation Requests
- Respond To message
Host Verification Endpoints
- Get Phone Number(s)
- Submit Verification Code
- Request Verification Text
- Request Verification Call
Host Payment Endpoints
- Set ACH info for Payout
Based on
api := airgo.NewApi()
api.ApiKey = "API_kEY"
Login with email
Returns an access_token, given a valid user account email and password
params := &url.Values{}
params.Add("username", "YOUR_EMAIL")
params.Add("password", "YOUR_PASSWORD")
params.Add("locale", "en-US")
params.Add("currency", "US")
token := api.Login(params)
The following are the params allowed to login with email
Param | Description | Required |
username | Account's email address | YES |
password | Account's clear-text password (note: endpoint uses HTTPS) | YES |
locale | Desired language | NO |
currency | Currency for listings | NO |
The following are the Default params
Param | Description | Required |
grant_type | Required for email authentication (as opposed to OAuth) | YES |
client_id | API Key | YES |
Login with Facebook
Returns an access_token, given a valid Facebook user OAuth access token. See the Facebook docs to learn how to generate an FB access token.
params := &url.Values{}
//user access token from facebook
params.Add("assertion", "USER_ACCESS_TOKEN_PROVIDED_BY_FB")
//get AirBnb token
token, err := api.LoginFB(params)
Login with Google
Returns an access_token, given a valid Google user OAuth access token. See the Google docs to learn how to generate a Google access token.
params := &url.Values{}
//user access token from Google
//get AirBnb token
token, err := api.LoginGoogle(params)
Listing search
Returns listings that fit the given search parameters.
params := &url.Values{}
params.Add("locale", "en-US")
params.Add("currency", "USD")
params.Add("_format", "for_search_results_with_minimal_pricing")
params.Add("_limit", "10")
params.Add("_offset", "0")
params.Add("fetch_facets", "true")
params.Add("guests", "1")
params.Add("ib", "false")
params.Add("ib_add_photo_flow", "true")
params.Add("location", "Lake Tahoe, CA, US")
params.Add("min_bathrooms", "0")
params.Add("min_bedrooms", "0")
params.Add("min_beds", "1")
params.Add("min_num_pic_urls", "10")
params.Add("price_max", "210")
params.Add("price_min", "0")
params.Add("sort", "1")
params.Add("user_lat", "37.3398634")
params.Add("user_lng", "-122.0455164")
listingSearchResp := api.ListingSearch(params)
The following are the params allowed to listing search
Param | Description | Required |
locale | Desired lagnuage | NO |
currency | Desired currency | NO |
_format | Search with pricing or not. | NO |
_limit | Number of listings to show at a time. | NO |
_offset | Number of listings to offset in search. | NO |
guests | Number of guests. | NO |
ib | Setting to true will only show listings that are instant bookable. | NO |
ib_add_photo_flow | NO | |
location | Search by location name -- if unsure of lat/lng, etc. | NO |
min_bathrooms | Minimum number of bathrooms. | NO |
min_bedrooms | Minimum number of bedrooms. | NO |
min_beds | Minimum number of beds. | NO |
price_min | Minimum price. | NO |
price_max | Maximum price. | NO |
min_num_pic_urls | Minimum number of pictures. | NO |
sort | Sorting order (1: forward order, 0: reverse order). | NO |
suppress_facets | NO | |
user_lat | Latitude search coordinate. | NO |
user_lng | Longitude search coordinate. | NO |
The following are the Default required params
Param | Description | Required |
client_id | API Key | YES |
Get Reviews
Returns reviews for a given listing.
params := &url.Values{}
// Required field
params.Add("role", "all")
// required field
params.Add("listing_id", "2056659")
reviewResponse, err := api.GetReviews(params)
Param | Description | Field |
client_id | API Key | Default required |
role | Default required | |
locale | Desired language | Optional |
currency | Desired currency | optional |
_format | Optional | |
_limit | Number of reviews to show at a time | Optional |
_offset | Number of reviews to offset. | Optional |
View User info
Returns detailed information about a user, given his/her/its ID (e.g., found in the view listing endpoint response).
params := &url.Values{}
//if you don't specified the _format you will get a few info
params.Add("_format", "v1_legacy_show")
userId := "37950344"
viewUserInfoResponse, err := api.ViewUserInfo(userId, params)
Param | Description | Field |
client_id | API Key | Default required |
_format | API result format (just put this -- it'll work without it, but it won't have as much data) | Optional |
locale | Desired language | Optional |
currency | Desired currency | optional |
View Listing info
Returns detailed information about a listing, given its ID (e.g., found in the search endpoint response).
params := &url.Values{}
params.Add("_format", "v1_legacy_for_p3")
listingId := "5116458"
viewListingInfoResponse, err := api.ViewListingInfo(listingId, params)
Param | Description | Field |
client_id | API Key | Default required |
_format | v1_legacy_for_p3, API result format (just put this -- it won't work without it) | Default required |
locale | Desired language | Optional |
_source | optional | |
number_of_guests | Determines listing availability dates based on the # of guests | optional |
Create Message Thread
Creates a message thread and a stay request, given a valid access token and a listing ID.
NOTE: This is a logged-in endpoint and requires an access_token. See Login Endpoints.
token, err := api.Login(LoginParams)
if err != nil {
// do something
params = &url.Values{}
params.Add("locale", "en-US")
params.Add("currency", "USD")
params.Add("message", "Hi!")
params.Add("checkout_date", "2018-04-02T22:00:00.000-0700")
params.Add("checkin_date", "2018-04-01T00:00:00.000-0700")
params.Add("number_of_guests", "1")
params.Add("listing_id", "10166581")
createdMessageThreadResponse, err := api.CreateMessageThread(token, params)
The following are the Form parameters that should be sent.
Param | Description | Field |
client_id | API Key | Default required |
listing_id | ID of the listing you'd like to message | Required |
number_of_guests | Number of guests in the request. | Required |
checkin_date | Requested check-in date. | Required |
checkout_date | Requested check-out date. | Required |
message | Initial message to send (empty to send request only). | Required |
locale | Desired language | Optional |
currency | Currency for listings | Optional |
The following are the header parameters that should be sent.
Header | Description | Field |
X-Airbnb-OAuth-Token | Airbnb auth token (from auth-ing with login endpoints) | Required |
Get Messages
Returns message threads, given an AirBnB access token (from authenticating with login endpoints).
The following are the Form parameters that should be sent.
Param | Description | Field |
client_id | API Key | Default required |
locale | Desired language | Optional |
offset | Number of message threads to offset in search | Optional |
items_per_page | Number of message threads to display at once | Optional |
role | Type of threads to retrieve. "guest", "host", or don't include this param for both | Optional |
The following are the header parameters that should be sent.
Header | Description | Field |
X-Airbnb-OAuth-Token | Airbnb auth token (from auth-ing with login endpoints) | Required |
Get User Info
Get basic info about the logged-in user, such as name, picture, phone number, verifications, etc.
token, err := api.Login(LoginParams)
if err != nil {
//do something
params = &url.Values{}
userInfoResponse, err := api.GetUserInfo(token, params)
Note: To know more about UserInfoResponse
The following are the Form parameters that should be sent.
Param | Description | Field |
client_id | API Key | Default required |
locale | Desired language | Optional |
offset | Number of message threads to offset in search | Optional |
items_per_page | Number of message threads to display at once | Optional |
role | Type of threads to retrieve. "guest", "host", or don't include this param for both | Optional |
ralert_types[] | Could be reservation_request |
Optional |
The following are the header parameters that should be sent.
Header | Description | Field |
X-Airbnb-OAuth-Token | Airbnb auth token (from auth-ing with login endpoints) | Required |