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proyecto para IAW

App deployada (podria tardar hasta 30 segundos en ingresar la primera vez dadas las limitaciones del servidor gratuito) :

Script de ejemplo para ingresar moneda SOLANA en exchange Binance:

var XMLHttpRequest = require('xmlhttprequest').XMLHttpRequest; function getCoin(callback) { var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = (e) => { if (xhr.readyState !== 4) { return; }; if (xhr.status === 200) { callback(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).price); } else { console.warn('request_error'); }; };'GET', ''); xhr.send(); }; getCoin(returnCallback);

Simbolo: SOL

Test de integracion con MercadoPago:

Se debe realizar el upgrade en el Perfil, relizando el checkout con una cuenta de MercadoPago fake:

"nickname": TESTLFZLYYEX

"password": qatest9458

Se debe ingresar una tarjeta de testing provista por MercadoPago luego de loguearse:


Número: 5031 7557 3453 0604

Código de seguridad: 123

Fecha de vencimiento: 11/25

Titular: APRO


This application is generated using LoopBack 4 CLI with the initial project layout.

Install dependencies

By default, dependencies were installed when this application was generated. Whenever dependencies in package.json are changed, run the following command:

npm install

To only install resolved dependencies in package-lock.json:

npm ci

Run the application

npm start

You can also run node . to skip the build step.

Open in your browser.

Rebuild the project

To incrementally build the project:

npm run build

To force a full build by cleaning up cached artifacts:

npm run rebuild

Fix code style and formatting issues

npm run lint

To automatically fix such issues:

npm run lint:fix

Other useful commands

  • npm run migrate: Migrate database schemas for models
  • npm run openapi-spec: Generate OpenAPI spec into a file
  • npm run docker:build: Build a Docker image for this application
  • npm run docker:run: Run this application inside a Docker container


npm test

What's next

Please check out LoopBack 4 documentation to understand how you can continue to add features to this application.
