Java Katas

Make your unit tests and integration tests faster. Support to build executable JAR and JaCoCo Code Coverage.


  • JUnit 5 (junit-jupiter) v5.10.0
  • AssertJ (assertj-core) v3.24.2


  • Maven Surefire (maven-surefire-plugin) v3.1.2 : add Unit Tests support
  • Maven Failsafe (maven-failsafe-plugin) v3.1.2 : add Integration Tests support
  • Maven JAR plugin (maven-jar-plugin) v3.3.0 : generate executable JAR
  • Maven JaCoCo plugin (jacoco-maven-plugin) v0.8.10 : add Code Coverage report

How to Build?

  • Execute unit tests before package.
mvn clean package
  • Execute without unit tests.
mvn clean package -DskipTests

How to Run?

  • Example
java -jar target/maven-quickstart-junit5-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Hello world!

How to Test?

This command will execute all Unit Tests and Integration Tests.

mvn clean verify

Unit Tests Only

mvn clean verify -DskipITs
# or
mvn clean test

Integration Tests Only

mvn clean verify -DskipTests

Skip All Tests

mvn clean verify -DskipTests -DskipITs

How to Generate Code Coverage Report?

  • Verify tests and Generate Report with JaCoCo
  • JaCoCo Report path is target/site/jacoco
mvn clean verify jacoco:report