
Basic Setup for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in WSL2

Primary LanguageShell

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS WSL2 Setup

Basic Setup for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS in WSL2.

  • Access to MS Store and search by Ubuntu 20.04 app. After that, click on Ubuntu Icon and start installation. Set up your username and password and close the window then terminated.

  • Download Windows Terminal App

Setting up Memory Consumption

Download .wslconfig to Home's Windows folder (Rename to .wslconfig). Execute the instructions are into the file.


Creating Basic Scripts

In Windows Desktop, create:

  1. Shutdown.bat
  1. Workspace.bat
  • After download, edit and put os_name=Ubuntu-20.04
  • Install Recommendations of vscode
  1. Environment template (to edit or auto generate)


  • PyPI
  • Miniconda3
  • Conda packages: pandas, jupyterlab, jupyter notebook, voila, ipython
  • PHP7
  • PHP7 Extensions: common, bz2, imap, intl, bcmath, json, mbstring, soap, sybase, xsl, zip (other as mysql already installed)
  • Composer
  • NVM
  • NodeJS 12 LTS (npm, Yarn)
  • Open Java JRE (default version, ~11)
  • Open Java JDK (default version, ~11)
  • Gradle 6.6
  • .NET Core 3.1 Runtime (Full, ASP.NET app support added)
  • .NET Core 3.1 SDK