
Schedule local notifications from React Native on iOS and Android.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Schedule local notifications from React Native on iOS and Android.


yarn add @guulabs/react-native-local-notifications


import {
} from '@guulabs/react-native-local-notifications';

// ...

const id = await scheduleNotification(
    title: 'Title',
    body: 'This is the body of the local notification.',
    timestamp: Date.now() + 5000,

// Cancel a list of notification ids
await cancelScheduledNotifications([id, "another_id1", "another_id2"]);

// Cancel all
await cancelAllScheduledNotifications();


Set a custom icon and set an accent color.

const id = await scheduleNotification(
    title: 'Title',
    body: 'This is the body of the local notification.',
    android: {
      smallIcon: 'ic_launcher',
      color: '#0000ff',
    timestamp: Date.now() + 5000,


Param name Type Default Description
title string - Title of the local notification.
body string - The body for the local notification.
android { smallIcon: string, color: string } { smallIcon: 'ic_launcher' } Use smallIcon to set a custom resource name (drawable or mipmap) for the notification icon on Android.
Use color to set a hex accent color for the notification on Android.
timestamp number - The date in milliseconds when the local notfication should be dispatched.

Should I use it?

This library was desinged to minimize the JS footprint, it contains only a few fuctions defined on the JS side. If your use case requires more than sending some simple local notifications, I strongly advive to use Notifee.

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Made with create-react-native-library