
A series of micro frontends

Primary LanguageVue


This project demonstrates my own personal, oppinionated view on implementing Microfrontends

It uses WebComponents as the basis.

All apps are configured to be built as WebComponents and have a script to start static-server to serve the resulting files as static js and css

Part of the presentation for DevTalks 2020 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKsNuVOtHw4


  • represents the Shell Application
  • this app is intended to orchestrate routing between various microfrontends
  • this version is implemented in Angular 9
  • run with "ng serve"


  • represents the main presentation of the problem that microfrontends solves and the pitfalls
  • built using VueJs
  • run with "npm run build:wc"


  • represents the interior of the castle
  • built using Vanilla JS & some magic using WebComponents
  • run with "npm run dev"

#assets folder

  • this is where all the images and various other items reside
  • run with "static-server -p 4205 -c * ./"