
Long running Stylelint daemon

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


stylelint_d is a long running stylelint daemon that makes CSS linting much faster compared to the stylelint CLI. Instead of starting a Node process each time you lint, which is slow and can take 700ms+, this creates a server which listens for filenames (as well as a few commands) and lints the given files, returning the output to the client significantly faster, in 100-150ms. The main use case is for code editors or linting processes that are time dependent.

Thanks to eslint_d by Maximilian Antoni for the idea!


> npm install stylelint_d

To install globally for all projects:

> npm install -g stylelint_d


stylelint_d is much less robust than the stylelint CLI, and does not accept any of the options that the CLI does; stylelint_d only accepts the specific commands explained below, as well as file globs, as parameters. If you need to use the CLI options, please use the standard stylelint CLI.

To lint a file, run:

> stylelint_d <path/to/file.css>
# You can also pass file globs
> stylelint_d <path/to/css/**/*.css>

It will automatically find your stylelint configuration based on the path of the file. You can also optionally pass the --config or -c flag to denote the config file location. Note that the first time you run the linter, it will take a moment to initially import the stylelint module, but subsequent imports will be cached and lint execution will be much faster.

stylelint_d also accepts input via stdin. Note you must supply either the config file location, or a file or directory name when running with stdin, or else stylelint won't be able to find the config. If you supply the config file directly, if you don't supply the absolute path, stylelint_d will take the cwd of the stylelint_d process.

> cat ./asset.css | stylelint_d --stdin --file asset.css
> cat ./asset.css | stylelint_d --stdin --config ./.stylelintrc

You can specify the formatter using the --formatter flag, defaulting to string. The valid options are string, json, and verbose (see Stylelint API #formatter for more details).

In addition to aforementioned flags, stylelint_d also accepts the following commands:

# Stop the current running server
> stylelint_d stop
# Start a new server
> stylelint_d start
# Restart the server
> stylelint_d restart


stylelint_d listens on If for some reason linting isn't working, or returns strange results, check that the port is not in use by another process.
