
AlphaBuild usage example - a polyglot monorepo containing some of my small projects - Python, Q, Haskell, Bash, Starlark - powered by Make and Pants

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A monorepo containing some of my small projects powered by a scalable build system. See individual README.md files for more details.

powered_by_alpha_build Build Status Python 3.8+ Checked with mypy pylint Score code style: prettier


  • build-support: AlphaBuild home - Makefile library inspired by Pants/Bazel to run linters, formatters, test frameworks, type checkers, packers etc. on a variety of languages (Python, Jupyter Notebooks, Bash, Haskell, YAML, Markdown) → make
  • app_iqor: IQOR = I Quit Ordinary Renting (HackZurich 2019) → Q/KDB+Python
  • app_paper_plane: Paper Plane = find same flight but cheaper by changing country on Skyscanner (LauzHack 2018) → Python
  • dotfiles: my take-everywhere rc-files
  • lib_bzl_utils: useful macros for Bazel → Starlark
  • lib_py_utils: a few interesting general purpose utility functions → Python
  • tutorials_hs:
  • tutorials_q:

Hackathon projects

For more hackathon projects see my devpost accounts:

Some projects will be ported over here, some others are lost somewhere in space and time.