
Application for RC company

Primary LanguageRuby


  • Get your own copy of this project by running (prefer SSH method so that you don't have to authenticate on each interaction - pull, push and etc - with remote):

    $ git clone git@github.com:cristianocasm/rc.git

  • It is highly recomended you to use a ruby version manager. If using RVM, you can create and use a gemset by creating a .rvmrc file within source folder of the app:

    $ echo 'rvm use ruby-2.3.1@rc --create' > .rvmrc

    • Check whether your gemset was properly set by running:

      $ rvm list gemsets

  • Install all dependencies

    $ bundle install

  • Rename the file database.sample.yml to database.yml (inside config/ folder) and reset username and password properly so that the application can connect to your database locally.

  • Create, migrate and seed your DB

    $ rake db:setup

Some important information

  • Heroku: https://rcct.herokuapp.com/

  • Under app/views/layouts/application.html.erb we have the instruction <%= javascript_include_tag controller_name if controller_has_js_asset? %>. That instruction sets a convention to be followed when creating js assets:

    • Create your file under app/assets/javascripts naming it as controller's name

      • Example: users_controller.rb -> users.js
    • This project uses Backbone.js. Thus, you must use the file created (in previous step) to initialize your Backbone class.

    • Important: once convention is followed, it is not necessary to include files in manifest (app/assets/javascripts/application.js).

  • This project uses UUID for primary key instead of simple sequential ids. It increases security as we can see in this funny blog post.