
Primary LanguageJavaScript





yarn add @cristianodmtsb/colmeia

Then open the webpack.config.js file, find the usage of configureWebpack method and add the following block inside the special node:

'@cristianodmtsb/colmeia': {
    cssModules: true,
    esModules: true,
    graphqlQueries: true,
    rootComponents: false,
    upward: false

It will be like this:

special: {
    'react-feather': {
        esModules: true
    '@magento/peregrine': {
        esModules: true,
        cssModules: true
    '@magento/venia-ui': {
        cssModules: true,
        esModules: true,
        graphqlQueries: true,
        rootComponents: true,
        upward: true
    '@cristianodmtsb/colmeia': {
        cssModules: true,
        esModules: true,
        graphqlQueries: true,
        rootComponents: false,
        upward: false


Add the css from colmeia in src/index.js

import '@cristianodmtsb/colmeia/lib/index.css';


Add the plugin to map the Venia fallback files that Colmeia is using.

Open your webpack.config.js, import the Colmeia's fallback file.

const cmaMapping = require('@cristianodmtsb/colmeia/fallback-mapping');

In clientConfig.plugins add cristianodmtsbOverrideMappingPlugin. The overrideMapping is the other pluging to fallback, is recommended to use this way.

new cristianodmtsbOverrideMappingPlugin(
  Object.assign(cmaMapping, overrideMapping);

Add new svg icons to sprite

To work with SVG icons in your project all you have to do is run the following command to install svg-spritemap-webpack-plugin and configure it in your project.

yarn add -D svg-spritemap-webpack-plugin

npm install svg-spritemap-webpack-plugin --save-dev

In the webpack configuration file of your project add SVGSpritemapPlugin.

clientConfig.plugins = [

        new DefinePlugin({
             * Make sure to add the same constants to
             * the globals object in jest.config.js.
            UNION_AND_INTERFACE_TYPES: JSON.stringify(
            STORE_NAME: JSON.stringify('Venia')
        new HTMLWebpackPlugin({
            filename: 'index.html',
            template: './template.html',
            minify: {
                collapseWhitespace: true,
                removeComments: true
        new cristianodmtsbOverrideMappingPlugin(
            Object.assign(cmaMapping, overrideMapping)

        //Add SVGSpritemapPlugin   
        new SVGSpritemapPlugin([
        ], {
           output: {
               filename: 'sprites.svg',
           sprite: {
               generate: {
                   use: true

Finally, remove the previous svg loader package that is no longer needed by running. if you were not using the previous loader, ignore this step.

yarn remove svg-sprite-loader

npm uninstall svg-sprite-loader

Then remove the following lines from src/index.js.

- const files = require.context(
-  '!svg-sprite-loader!./assets/icons',
-   false,
-   /.*\.svg$/,
- );
- files.keys().forEach(files);

Configuring SASS

To configure SASS, you need to install these dev dependencies:

yarn add --dev sass-loader node-sass

Then edit the webpack.config.js and add a new rule to clientConfig

  rules: [
      test: /\.s[ca]ss$/,
      use: [
          loader: 'css-loader',
          options: {
            modules: true,
            sourceMap: true,

Dependencies with PWA Studio

This library uses a peer dependency on two PWA Studio libraries:

  • venia-ui
  • peregrine

The idea of this library is to have custom components based on venia-ui and custom logic (hooks) based on peregrine.


We use peer-dependency to keep the project version of venia-ui and peregrine.

When this library is imported in a project as a library it will consider the project version instead of the version set in this library.


Follow these steps to configure the autoprefix in your project:

  1. Install the dependencies with yarn add --dev postcss-preset-env

  2. Edit the webpack.config.js with this code after the plugins:

    test: /\.css$/,
    use: [{
        loader: 'postcss-loader',
        options: {
            sourceMap: true,
            config: {
                path: './node_modules/@cristianodmtsb/colmeia'


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