.NET Core 3.1.x Make sure you have latest SDK version of .net core 3.1.x
EF Core Tools
- If you don't have the tool installed already run:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- If you already have the tool, update it:
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
- To validate if you have everything installed run:
dotnet ef
Doker Engine Please make sure you have latest docker version for you operating system.
- Run the following command to download the sql server version:
docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2017-latest
The above command may take while if it's the first time you are pulling sql server image
In order to create a new migration:
- Navigate to the Workshop.IntegrationTests.Platform folder
- Run the following command:
dotnet ef migrations -s ..\Workshop.IntegrationTests.Api\ add YourMigrationName
In order to setup a new database or update the current one:
- Make sure you have a valid connection string in the appsettings.Development.json file located at the Api project.
- Run the following command:
dotnet ef database update -s ..\Workshop.IntegrationTests.Api\
After creating your local database you can setup a user running the following script:
INSERT INTO Users VALUES('6451D5C4-B6EC-4004-BAB0-9075ADAB7860', 'user@workshop.com', 'f2yIM4hbud2gmiggYvNzUHptz0cSTp6W/OdOSMT0AVU=', 'emnOk0/O1NzCDT9XkkRJVQ==')
This will create an user with email: user@workshop.com
and password: workshop