
Google analytics from cristianpb.github.io

Primary LanguageSvelte

Customized dashboard which:

  • connect to the google analytics api to fetch your analytics data ;
  • make interactive charts using the popular javascript library d3.js and dc.js ;
  • deploy your dashboard automatically in github pages serveless architecture by using github actions.

More details are included in my article

google analytics dashboard


Most important commands are in Makefile. So in order to start a development environment you only need to type:

make up


I create a static html page by using:

make build

This creates a dist folder that can be used as a static page. I use github pages to publish the html at this page and I use github actions to update the data.


  • python
  • You need to have enable google api credentials in order to obtain a token and fetch google analytics data instructions can be found in my article.
  • I name the credentials as token.json. If you want to name it different, you have to change the name in analytics.py file.