Demo of mapstruct. Automatic mapping tool without reflectio. MapStruct is a code generator that greatly simplifies the implementation of mappings between Java bean types based on a convention over configuration approach. The generated mapping code uses plain method invocations and thus is fast, type-safe and easy to understand.
- Automatic mapping atributes with same name and type (ignoreProperty,surname, make)
- Custom converter Brake<->String. Property brake-> brakeName (@Mapper(uses = {CarConverters.class}))
- Mapping atributes with same type and different name: numberOfSeats->seatCount (You only have to declare in CarMapper)
- Ignore property wont be mapped (ignore=true)
- @DecoratedWith(CarMapperDecorator.class) will allow to overwrite any value.
- CustomerMapper and OrderItemMapper definition class
- Automatic mapping atributes with same name and type (id,name,orders->orderItem). UserStatus is automatic mapped with toString Enun