
Simple photo gallery flask app

Primary LanguageJavaScript


dev setup instructions

  1. Clone the project

git clone git@github.com:cristianrasch/photo_gallery_py.git

  1. Create a new virtual environment for it

cd photo_gallery_py && python3 -m venv venv

  1. Install its dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Run the test suite to make sure everything is set up OK

python -m unittest discover -v -s photo_gallery/tests/

  1. Configure your pictures path [OPTIONAL]

mkdir instance && echo "PICS_DIR = '/path/to/pictures'" > instance/config.py

(defaults to /path/to/app/tests/fixtures)

  1. Run the dev server (listens on localhost:5000)

FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_APP=photo_gallery flask run


  1. Deploy with Fabric