
Grabs page & article titles from lists of URLs contained in files passed in as arguments

Primary LanguageRust


Usage instructions

  • Just feed it 1 or more files containing URLs (1 per line)

cargo run -- /abs/path/2/urls1.csv rel/path/2/urls2.csv

  • Optionally, change the output file:

cargo run -- -o output.csv /abs/path/2/urls1.csv rel/path/2/urls2.csv

  • See all available config options:

cargo run -- -h

title_grabber 0.1.0
Cristian Rasch <cristianrasch@fastmail.fm>
Grabs page & article titles from lists of URLs contained in files passed in as arguments

    title_grabber [OPTIONS] [files]...

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

        --connect-timeout <connect-timeout>    HTTP connect timeout. Defaults to the value of the CONNECT_TIMEOUT env
                                               var or 10 [env: CONNECT_TIMEOUT=]  [default: 10]
    -d, --debug <debug>                        Log to STDOUT instead of to a file in the CWD.  Defaults to the value of
                                               the DEBUG env var or False [env: DEBUG=]
        --max-redirects <max-redirects>        Max. # of HTTP redirects to follow. Defaults to the value of the
                                               MAX_REDIRECTS env var or 5 [env: MAX_REDIRECTS=]  [default: 5]
    -r <max-retries>                           Max. # of times to retry failed HTTP reqs. Defaults to the value of the
                                               MAX_RETRIES env var or 3 [env: MAX_RETRIES=]  [default: 3]
    -t <max-threads>                           Max. # of threads to use. Defaults to the value of the MAX_THREADS env
                                               var or the # of logical processors in the system (8) [env: MAX_THREADS=]
                                               [default: 8]
    -o, --output <output>                      Output file (defaults to out.csv)
        --read-timeout <read-timeout>          HTTP read timeout. Defaults to the value of the READ_TIMEOUT env var or
                                               15 [env: READ_TIMEOUT=]  [default: 15]

    <files>...    1 or more CSV files containing URLs (1 per line)

Cross-compilation for usage on Windows

sudo apt-get install -y gcc-mingw-w64-x86-64

rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu

cat << EOF > ~/.cargo/config
linker = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc"
ar = "x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc-ar"

cargo build --target=x86_64-pc-windows-gnu --release