
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a collection of common UI components used by RoamJS extensions made available to make development easier for other Roam developers.


The following are a list of methods used to help interface with the RoamJS Components found in this library.

createConfigObserver({title, config})

This is an observer that will render the ConfigPage UI on the page of your choosing.

  • title: string Name of the page to render the Configuration page ui. If this page doesn't already exist in the user's Roam database, one will be created with specified default values filled in.
  • config: object The metadata specifying which fields your configuration supports
    • tabs: object[] The first level tabs grouping your fields. They map to first level blocks on the Roam Page.
      • id: string The name of the tab to use in both the Roam UI and in the tab label. The home id inserts blocks at the top level of Roam.
      • toggleable: boolean Whether this tab should be able to turn on and off. Turning a tab off disables the rest of the nested fields.
      • fields: object[] The set of field metadata grouped in this tab. If fields is empty, it will be assumed that this tab is a state container for the extension not meant to be interacted with by the user.
        • title: string The name of the field, displayed on the nested tag and in the Roam block.
        • description: string The description of the field with renders next to each field label as a tooltip.
        • type: string The field type, with only the following valid values:
          • text Renders a text input.
          • number Renders a number input.
          • flag Renders a boolean checkbox.
          • multitext Renders a text input that could have multiple child values. Used for an array of string values.
          • pages Similar to multitext, but all values are Roam pages.
          • oauth Renders a login button based on the service provider
          • select Renders a dropdown with the configured options
        • defaultValue The default value filled in on page creation. Field is optional and type based on type above
        • options An extra object of options for configuring a field, based on the type above.
          • text None
          • number None
          • flag None
          • multitext None
          • pages None
          • oauth
            • service: string The name of the service provider, used on the login button
            • getPopoutUrl: () => Promise<string> A getter retrieving the url needed to begin the oauth process
            • getAuthData: (d: string) => Promise<Record<string, string>> A getter that takes in a stringified JSON object from the oauth popout window and retrieves the auth related data.
            • ServiceIcon: React.FunctionComponent<React.SVGAttributes<SVGElement>> The SVG Icon to render next to the login button.
          • select
            • items: string[] The set of valid options for this dopdown

createComponentRender(FC, className)

Creates a render function for the component FC rendered inside of a ComponentContainer component. A ComponentContainer simulates standard Roam {{components}} in that they are meant to be rendered in a block with an edit pencil icon to edit the block if necessary.

  • FC: ReactElement The component rendered with a blockUid prop that references the block the component is rendered in.
  • className An optional class name to pass to the surrounding ComponentContainer.

createOverlayRender(id, Overlay)

Creates a render function for the component Overlay mounted on a parent from the id passed to getRenderRoot, unmounting when the overlay closes.

  • id: string The id passed to the parent element rendering the Overlay, interpolated inside of roamjs-${id}-root.
  • Overlay: ({onClose: () => void}) => ReactElement The React component rendered with a onClose prop to handle unmounting.


This creates a div appended to Roam's natural react root, most commonly used as its own root element for overlay components.

  • id: string The id of the parent element, interpolated inside of roamjs-${id}-root.

getSettingIntFromTree({tree, key, defaultValue})

This is a utility method for grabbing the integer value of a node from a tree by a given key.

  • tree: TextNode[] The array of TextNode to search through.
  • key: string The key used to find the desired node
  • defaultValue?: number The default value the getter should have if there are no nodes with the specified key, defaulted to 0.


This is a utility method for grabbing the string value of a node from a tree by a given key.

  • tree: TextNode[] The array of TextNode to search through.
  • key: string The key used to find the desired node
  • defaultValue?: number The default value the getter should have if there are no nodes with the specified key, defaulted to an empty string.


This is a utility method for grabbing the string value of a node from a tree by a given key.

  • tree: TextNode[] The array of TextNode to search through.
  • key: string The key used to find the desired node
  • defaultValue?: number The default value the getter should have if there are no nodes with the specified key, defaulted to an empty string.


This is a utility method for adding a value as part of multiple to a key by making it a descendant of node in the tree.

  • blockUid: string The uid of the root block housing all of settings.
  • value: string The value to add to the setting
  • key: string The setting name
  • index?: number The index where the setting should be created if new, defaulted to 0


This is a utility method for setting a value to a key by making it a descendant of node in the tree.

  • blockUid: string The uid of the root block housing all of settings.
  • value: string The value to assign to the setting
  • key: string The setting name
  • index?: number The index where the setting should be created if new, defaulted to 0


This is a utility method for setting multiple values to a key by making it a descendant of node in the tree.

  • blockUid: string The uid of the root block housing all of settings.
  • values: string The set of values to assign to the setting
  • key: string The setting name
  • index?: number The index where the setting should be created if new, defaulted to 0


The following are a list of React components commonly used across RoamJS extensions.


An Error Boundary to wrap around components meant to live within blocks to catch any React Errors. The error message will interpolate inside of a {ERROR} placeholder within the message prop and output as a child block.


An info icon with a tooltip, used to give help text to UI components.


A standard Select using blueprint's MenuItem component as the item rendered.


Renders a yellow warning message, then unmounts itself upon dismissing.