Pinned Repositories
This is a carefully compiled list of remarkable projects with the focus on startpages.
This project use the target esp32 with a Python app for mqtt, in this sense, has a schedule and periferics (RTC, PIR, DHT11 and Leds)
My configuration for i3
🗻 A minimal startpage for the browser.
My configuration for neovim.
Configuration for neovim with lua
in this project, is used MicroPython on ESP32 target to config Pulse width modulation in function of the ADC
in this program it's used a Raspberry pi model 3B+. From module datetime of python and gpiozero of Raspberry is generate an automatic signal for illumination of offices, using the GPIOs 18, 23, 24 for a RGB Led for indicate the proximity of events, 10 for a buzzer and 15 for indicate a state of illumination of the office.the office only work the five days of the week(Mon - Fri) in the interval the 7am at 6pm, any value out of this ranges (days or hours) the office is close.
In this project it's used the Raspberry Pi 3 model B+, the project function is: 1. capture the system date and time to synchronize the RTC DS3231, the system must be able to detect synchronization failures between the system and the device so that if There is a difference of more than two seconds between the system time and the RTC time. automatically proceed to synchronize the RTC3231. 2. Connect the motion sensor and activate it by a time window of 2 minutes, record the activation of the PIR sensor in a text document, with the detail of the date and time the detection occurred. 3. Every time the motion sensor is activated, an alarm must be activated using a Buzzer on and off with a duration of three seconds. 4. Connect the humidity and temperature sensor, every 10 seconds record in another Document the current measurement value of the device, incorporating identifiers that allow to recognize reading failures. In this sense, the PINs used are: *RTC -> Pins: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 for 3.3V, SDA, SCL, NC, and Ground respective *DHT11 -> Pin: 19 for data *PIR -> Pin: 40 for level *Buzzer(alarm) -> Pin: 36 for level
An simple application that use the rick and morty API. Made in NextJs
cristianvarg11's Repositories
An simple application that use the rick and morty API. Made in NextJs
My configuration for i3
My configuration for neovim.
Configuration for neovim with lua
This is a carefully compiled list of remarkable projects with the focus on startpages.
This project use the target esp32 with a Python app for mqtt, in this sense, has a schedule and periferics (RTC, PIR, DHT11 and Leds)
🗻 A minimal startpage for the browser.
in this project, is used MicroPython on ESP32 target to config Pulse width modulation in function of the ADC
in this program it's used a Raspberry pi model 3B+. From module datetime of python and gpiozero of Raspberry is generate an automatic signal for illumination of offices, using the GPIOs 18, 23, 24 for a RGB Led for indicate the proximity of events, 10 for a buzzer and 15 for indicate a state of illumination of the office.the office only work the five days of the week(Mon - Fri) in the interval the 7am at 6pm, any value out of this ranges (days or hours) the office is close.
In this project it's used the Raspberry Pi 3 model B+, the project function is: 1. capture the system date and time to synchronize the RTC DS3231, the system must be able to detect synchronization failures between the system and the device so that if There is a difference of more than two seconds between the system time and the RTC time. automatically proceed to synchronize the RTC3231. 2. Connect the motion sensor and activate it by a time window of 2 minutes, record the activation of the PIR sensor in a text document, with the detail of the date and time the detection occurred. 3. Every time the motion sensor is activated, an alarm must be activated using a Buzzer on and off with a duration of three seconds. 4. Connect the humidity and temperature sensor, every 10 seconds record in another Document the current measurement value of the device, incorporating identifiers that allow to recognize reading failures. In this sense, the PINs used are: *RTC -> Pins: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 for 3.3V, SDA, SCL, NC, and Ground respective *DHT11 -> Pin: 19 for data *PIR -> Pin: 40 for level *Buzzer(alarm) -> Pin: 36 for level
Commandline tool to customize Spotify client. Supports Windows, MacOS and Linux.
My sway configuration
Open-source IoT Platform - Device management, data collection, processing and visualization.