
  1. Deep JavaScript Theory and techniques
  2. JavaScript for impatient programmers
  3. Nicolas C. Zakas - Maintainable JavaScript

Problem Solving

  1. Charles Conn - Bulletproof problem solving - The one skill that changes everything.epub
  2. Donald C. Gause - Are Your Lights On.epub
  3. Donald C. Gause - Are Your Lights On.pdf
  4. Lilly Haines-Gadd - TRIZ For Dummies.epub
  5. Lilly Haines-Gadd - TRIZ For Dummies.pdf
  6. Neal Ford - Software architecture - The hard parts.epub


  1. Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach


  1. Clean Code.pdf
  2. Martin Fowler - Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code.pdf
  3. Randall Hyde - Write Great Code - Volume 1 - Understanding the Machine.pdf
  4. Randall Hyde - Write Great Code - Volume 2 - Thinking Low Level, Writing High Level.pdf
