Set up a Redis backplane for ASP.NET Core multi-node deployments, using the built-in Rate Limiting support that's part of .NET 7 and .NET 8.
- 2
Missing expiration
#197 opened by leonardodeoliveira - 2
Idle Time Calculation Incorrect
#196 opened by aKzenT - 4
- 5
- 4
- 1
- 1
ClientIdRateLimiterPolicy sample never returns 429
#158 opened by colbroth - 8
- 15
- 0
Chained limiters
#153 opened by lbonazzi - 1
- 3
Support for multiple endpoint limiters
#3 opened by cristipufu - 6
Configurable prefix for redis key
#121 opened by sizzle168 - 3
[Feature Request] .Net 8 support
#105 opened by jeroenhabets - 4
Error ERR Error running script (call to f_53aa7d296ba9ded783301cc275161b6e344ad383) : @user_script:10: user_script:10: attempt to call field 'replicate_commands' (a nil value)
#117 opened by HeHoney - 11
Rate limiter causes thread pool exhaustion
#66 opened by hacst - 0
Distributed system concurency
#104 opened by mertulusan - 1
- 1
RedisSlidingWindowRateLimiter breaks if configured with sub-second precision Window
#62 opened by hacst - 2
The RedisTokenBucketRateLimiter refills the bucket immediately after some timeout
#46 opened by Namoshek - 0
- 1
Add Telemetry sample
#7 opened by cristipufu - 4
Implement RateLimiter.GetStatistics()
#6 opened by cristipufu - 0
Unable to get whether permits are exhausted / wait until permits are replenished
#40 opened by guynoga47 - 2
- 0
- 0
Handle Redis not available
#9 opened by cristipufu