
All demo code for my Udemy course "JSON in 10 Relational Databases".

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JSON in 10 Major Relational Databases

All source code for my new JSON in 10 Major Relational Databases - Masterclass Hands-On Udemy course.

Promo Clip

Current Project Setup

(1) From a command line, clone the GitHub repository for this course:

git clone https://github.com/cristiscu/json-in-databases.git

(2) Install Python.

(3) Install and start Visual Studio Code (VSCode).

(4) From VSCode, select from File > Open Folder the newly created json-in-databases folder.

(5) From a VSCode Terminal window, create a virtual environment for Python (do this once only):

python.exe -m venv venv

(6) Activate the new environment (and make sure you always reactivate it whenever you run applications from the command line):


(7) In this environment, install all Python dependencies for our project (this may take a while):

pip install -r requirements.txt

(8) For each individual lecture, switch to the related sections/ subfolder from this project. Install and connect to a specific database, following the instructions from the course lectures or the source files.