
K.E.V. (Keys, Extra Stuff, and Values) is a Python ORM for key-value stores based on Valley. Currently supported backends are Redis, S3, and a S3/Redis hybrid backend. Based on Valley.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

alt text


K.E.V. (Keys, Extra Stuff, and Values) is a Python ORM for key-value stores and document databases based on Valley. Currently supported backends are Redis, S3, DynamoDB and a S3/Redis hybrid backend.

Build Status

Python Versions

Kev should work on Python 3.5+ and higher


pip install kev

Example Project Using KEV

Example Usage

Setup the Connection

Example: loading.py

from kev.loading import KevHandler

kev_handler = KevHandler({
    'redis': {
        'backend': 'kev.backends.redis.db.RedisDB',
        'connection': {
            'host': 'your-redis-host.com',
            'port': 6379,
    'dynamodb': {
        'backend': 'kev.backends.dynamodb.db.DynamoDB',
        'connection': {
            'table': 'your-dynamodb-table',

Setup the Models

Example: models.py

from kev import (Document,CharProperty,DateTimeProperty,
from .loading import kev_handler

class TestDocument(Document):
    name = CharProperty(required=True,unique=True,min_length=3,max_length=20)
    last_updated = DateTimeProperty(auto_now=True)
    date_created = DateProperty(auto_now_add=True)
    is_active = BooleanProperty(default_value=True,index=True)
    city = CharProperty(required=False,max_length=50)
    state = CharProperty(required=True,index=True,max_length=50)
    no_subscriptions = IntegerProperty(default_value=1,index=True,min_value=1,max_value=20)
    gpa = FloatProperty()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.name

    class Meta:
        use_db = 's3redis'
        handler = kev_handler

Use the model

How to Save a Document

>>>from .models import TestDocument

>>>kevin = TestDocument(name='Kev',is_active=True,no_subscriptions=3,state='NC',gpa=3.25)







Query Documents

First Save Some More Docs
>>>george = TestDocument(name='George',is_active=True,no_subscriptions=3,gpa=3.25,state='VA')


>>>sally = TestDocument(name='Sally',is_active=False,no_subscriptions=6,gpa=3.0,state='VA')

Show all Documents

[<TestDocument: Kev:ec640abfd6>,<TestDocument: George:aff7bcfb56>,<TestDocument: Sally:c38a77cfe4>]
Get One Document
<TestDocument: Kev:ec640abfd6>

<TestDocument: Kev:ec640abfd6>
Filter Documents

[<TestDocument: George:aff7bcfb56>,<TestDocument: Sally:c38a77cfe4>]

[<TestDocument: Kev:ec640abfd6>,<TestDocument: George:aff7bcfb56>]

[<TestDocument: Kev:ec640abfd6>]
Chain Filters

The chain filters feature is only available for Redis and S3/Redis backends.

[<TestDocument: Kev:ec640abfd6>]
Wildcard Filters

Wildcard filters currently only work with the Redis and S3/Redis backend. Use prefixes with the S3 backend.

[<TestDocument: Kev:ec640abfd6>]
Prefix Filters

Prefix filters currently only work with the S3 backend. Use wildcard filters with the Redis or S3/Redis backends.

[<TestDocument: Kev:ec640abfd6>]

DynamoDB setup

Create a table

  • Table name should be between 3 and 255 characters long. (A-Z,a-z,0-9,_,-,.)
  • Primary key (partition key) should be equal to _id

Filter Documents

If you want to make filter() queries, you should create an index for every attribute that you want to filter by.

  • Primary key should be equal to attribute name.
  • Index name should be equal to attribute name postfixed by "-index". (It will be filled by AWS automatically). For example, for attribute "city": Primary key = "city" and index name = "city-index".
  • Index name can be directly specified by index_name argument:
    name = CharProperty(required=True,unique=True,min_length=5,max_length=20,index_name='name_index')
  • IMPORTANT: In other words, if your indexed attribute is named city, then your index name should be city-index, if you didn't specify index_name argument.
  • Projected attributes: All.

Use DynamoDB locally

Run DynamoDB

  • with persistent storage docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -v /tmp/data:/data/ dwmkerr/dynamodb -dbPath /data/


Example: loading.py

from kev.loading import KevHandler

kev_handler = KevHandler({
    'dynamodb': {
        'backend': 'kev.backends.dynamodb.db.DynamoDB',
        'connection': {
            'table': 'your-dynamodb-table',
            'endpoint_url': ''


Run DynamoDB
  • in memory (best performance) docker run -d -p 8000:8000 dwmkerr/dynamodb -inMemory
Create a table for testing.
import boto3

table_wcu = 2000
table_rcu = 2000
index_wcu = 3000
index_rcu = 2000
table_name = 'localtable'

dynamodb = boto3.resource('dynamodb', endpoint_url="")
dynamodb.create_table(TableName=table_name, KeySchema=[{'AttributeName': '_id', 'KeyType': 'HASH'}],
                      ProvisionedThroughput={'ReadCapacityUnits': table_rcu,
                                             'WriteCapacityUnits': table_wcu},
                      AttributeDefinitions=[{'AttributeName': '_id', 'AttributeType': 'S'},
                                            {u'AttributeName': u'city', u'AttributeType': u'S'},
                                            {u'AttributeName': u'email', u'AttributeType': u'S'},
                                            {u'AttributeName': u'name', u'AttributeType': u'S'},
                                            {u'AttributeName': u'slug', u'AttributeType': u'S'}],
                          {'IndexName': 'city-index', 'Projection': {'ProjectionType': 'ALL'},
                           'ProvisionedThroughput': {'WriteCapacityUnits': index_wcu,
                                                     'ReadCapacityUnits': index_rcu},
                           'KeySchema': [{'KeyType': 'HASH', 'AttributeName': 'city'}]},
                          {'IndexName': 'name-index', 'Projection': {'ProjectionType': 'ALL'},
                           'ProvisionedThroughput': {'WriteCapacityUnits': index_wcu,
                                                     'ReadCapacityUnits': index_rcu},
                           'KeySchema': [{'KeyType': 'HASH', 'AttributeName': 'name'}]},
                          {'IndexName': 'slug-index', 'Projection': {'ProjectionType': 'ALL'},
                           'ProvisionedThroughput': {'WriteCapacityUnits': index_wcu,
                                                     'ReadCapacityUnits': index_rcu},
                           'KeySchema': [{'KeyType': 'HASH', 'AttributeName': 'slug'}]},
                          {'IndexName': 'email-index', 'Projection': {'ProjectionType': 'ALL'},
                           'ProvisionedThroughput': {'WriteCapacityUnits': index_wcu,
                                                     'ReadCapacityUnits': index_rcu},
                           'KeySchema': [{'KeyType': 'HASH', 'AttributeName': 'email'}]}])
Setup environment variables.
export DYNAMO_TABLE_TEST='localtable'

Backup and Restore

Easily backup or restore your model locally or from S3. The backup method creates a JSON file backup.


Local Backup
S3 Backup


Local Restore

S3 Restore



Twitter::@brianjinwright Github: bjinwright