Api for todos made with Node.js

Remember to start database before api server

With Node

  • Install dependencies: $npm install
  • Run the tests: $npm test

  To run the API:

  • Start database: You need install postgresql and create tododb database or $./scripts/start_database.sh to run a database with docker.
  • Run the api server: $npm start

With Host

  • Run the tests: $./scripts/run_unit_tests.sh

  To run the API:

  • Start database: You need install postgresql and create tododb database or $./scripts/start_database.sh to run a database with docker.
  • Start api server: $./scripts/start_api.sh

With Docker

  • Run the tests: $./scripts/run_unit_tests_docker.sh

  To run the API:

  • Create network: $docker network create todos
  • Start database: $./scripts/start_database_docker.sh
  • Start api server: $./scripts/start_api_docker.sh

Author: Cristian Toaquiza