Be The Hero
πŸ’œ Be The Hero! πŸ’œ

Be The Hero is an application where charities can register their causes and request assistance in money, donors can list the causes and contact the charity if they want to help in the cause.

This is a study project, with the aim of developing a complete application (Back-end, Front-end e Mobile).

πŸš€ Tools πŸš€

  • Node js
  • React js
  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Express
  • Sucrase + Nodemon;
  • ESLint + Prettier;
  • Knex (SQLite);
  • Celebrate + Joi validation
  • Jest + SuperTest
  • Cors

Live Demo


Starting Projects

yarn start

Created by Cristopher AndrΓ© & Rocketseat.