
An alternative to using webpack-isomorphic-tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This sample project illustrates isomorphic (universal) rendering using React and Webpack.


  • React
  • React-router
  • Redux
  • Isomorphic (universal) rendering
  • Webpack 2
  • Development mode: hot reload for React components, hot reload for Redux reducers and actions

Quick Start

  • npm install
  • npm run dev
  • wait for it to finish (it will say "Now go to" in the end)
  • go to http://localhost:3000
  • interact with the development version of the web application
  • Ctrl + C
  • npm run production
  • wait a bit for Webpack to finish the build (green stats will appear in the terminal, plus some node.js server running commands)
  • go to http://localhost:3000
  • interact with the production version of the web application


This application consists of the "client side" and the "server side".

The "client side" (./client) is the javascript code (./client/application.js) which is built by Webpack and is run in a user's web browser, along with the "page rendering service" (./client/rendering-service) which does the same thing but in a Node.js process on the server (but is still considered more "client-side" than "server-side").

The "server side" consists of the "API service" (./api) and the "proxy service" (./webserver) which runs on port 3000 and routes various URL paths to their respective destinations:

  • "statics" ("static files", "assets") are served (in production mode only) on /assets URL path
  • /api is proxied to the "API service" (running on port 3003)
  • all the other URLs are proxied to the "page rendering service" (which runs on port 3002).

In development mode there's one more Node.js process running: it's webpack-dev-server running on port 3001 which serves the "assets" compiled by Webpack (live) via HTTP protocol. In production there's no webpack-dev-server and Webpack just outputs those compiled assets to the ./client/build folder and the "proxy service" (./webserver) serves those "assets" from there. In a real production environment though this "hand made" sample proxy service should be dropped in favour of a proper proxy like NginX or HAProxy. Or a developer could rather use no proxy at all hosting everything completely separately in the cloud (the modern way). So this "proxied" setup is here just for simplicity and illustration purpose.

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