- 0
Ajax support for button groups
#196 opened by gb5256 - 0
about the button config when use form widget
#311 opened by hzgoin - 5
include(TbArray.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
#193 opened by andrewjameshough - 1
TbActiveForm incorrect handling of clientValidation.
#307 opened by SamMousa - 5
activeControlGroup without has-error class support
#310 opened by fedek6 - 20
Bootstrap 3.2 support
#263 opened by karlingen - 1
PHP Fatal Error – yii\base\ErrorException, Call to undefined method Yii::app()
#309 opened by cloudswitch - 1
Resolve TODOs in TbHtml (help required)
#240 opened by crisu83 - 0
bs3 "img/loader.gif" missing from assets folder
#255 opened by marchie - 4
TbHtml::buttonGroup() with radio inputs
#298 opened by alexok - 3
TbListView missing sorter
#299 opened by marcovtwout - 1
How to change skin/theme in branch bs3?
#305 opened by nek-v - 2
TbActiveForm seems to ignore passed helpOptions type
#247 opened by Slivicon - 1
Composer dependency error
#304 opened by rantoniuk - 15
Release bs3
#285 opened by marcovtwout - 2
- 9
- 6
Write a proper (help required)
#241 opened by crisu83 - 1
Get Started: Configuration import wildcard
#270 opened by spiderstudio - 1
bs3 branch: gii Bootstrap generator
#273 opened by pavlm - 1
- 1
TbActiveForm seems to ignore passed errorMessageCssClass
#277 opened by bitlight - 2
- 2
- 1
how to install using composer
#293 opened by vimlan - 13
Update packagist
#242 opened by marcovtwout - 7
Branch bs3: incorrect default asset path
#223 opened by marcovtwout - 1
Add support for bootstrap-datepicker widget
#275 opened by jayala - 7
hi i have problem TbNavbar
#268 opened by andrwsv - 1
Fatal error: Class 'TbApi' not found
#266 opened by joker58 - 0
TbModal does not use param "remote" if the buttonOptions are not profided
#258 opened by tomaszbrunarski - 0
bs3: Gii broken without path alias
#244 opened by marcovtwout - 1
Errata in application configuration explanation on
#251 opened by dbsparkle - 1
#249 opened by jpicerno - 7
Incorrect default url for TbButtonColumn
#190 opened by SamMousa - 1
- 2
Using CDNs
#211 opened by p2made - 6
dev-bs3 missing file.
#214 opened by SamMousa - 4
Bootstrap 3 - status of branch bs3
#232 opened by gozzilli - 1
required * label
#197 opened by smff - 1
Error with TbGridView
#231 opened by manhlinhnguyen - 1
- 1
TbAffix documentation or example
#221 opened by gb5256 - 1
Branch bs3: include(TbArray.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
#222 opened by marcovtwout - 1
Bad getAssetsUrl() in BS3 tree
#206 opened by Jeff86 - 8
Namespaces in yiistrap branch bs3
#212 opened by kachar - 1
Bootstrap 3
#201 opened by p2made - 3
Asset Copying Issue
#199 opened by jkillian - 1
Problems when load form using ajax and renderPartial
#191 opened by rickydj - 2
Bootstrap 3 branch development roughly how long?
#188 opened by djfly