
Another Domain Adaptation library, aimed at researchers.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ADA: (Yet) Another Domain Adaptation library

Documentation Status Lint


The aim of ADA is to help researchers build new methods for unsupervised and semi-supervised domain adaptation. The library is built on top of PyTorch-Lightning, enabling fast development of new models.

We built ADA with the idea of:

  • minimizing the boilerplate when developing a new method (loading data from several domains, logging errors, switching from CPU to GPU).
  • allowing fair comparison between methods by running all of them within the exact same environment.

You can find an introduction to ADA on medium, and a more complete documentation on pytorch-ada.readthedocs.io/.

Quick description

Three types of methods are available for unsupervised domain adaptation:

  • Adversarial methods: Domain-adversarial neural networks (DANN) and Conditional Adversarial Domain Adaptation networks (CDAN),
  • Optimal-Transport-based methods: Wasserstein distance guided representation learning (WDGRL), for which we propose two implementations, the second one being a variant better adapted to the PyTorch-Lightning, allowing for multi-GPU training.
  • MMD-based methods: Deep Adaptation Networks (DAN) and Joint Adaptation Networks (JAN)

All these methods are implemented in models/architectures.py.

The 3-block architecture for domain adaptation

Adversarial and OT-based methods both rely on 3 networks:

  • a feature extractor network mapping inputs $x\in\mathcal{X}$ to a latent space $\mathcal{Z}$,
  • a task classifier network that learns to predict labels $y \in \mathcal{Y}$ from latent vectors,
  • a domain classifier network that tries to predict whether samples in $\mathcal{Z}$ come from the source or target domain.

MMD-based methods don't use the critic network.

Quick start

First you need to install the library. It has been tested with python 3.6+, with the latest versions of pytorch-lightning.

If you want to create a new conda environment, run:

    conda env create -n adaenv python=3.7
    conda activate adaenv

Install the library (with developer mode if you want to develop your own models later on, otherwise you can skip the -e):

    pip install -e adalib

Note: on Windows, it could be necessary to first install pytorch and torchvision with conda:

    conda install -c pytorch pytorch
    conda install -c pytorch torchvision
    pip install -e adalib

Run on of the scripts:

    cd scripts
    python run_simple.py

By default, this script launches experiments with all kinds of methods on a blobs dataset -- it doesn't take any parameter, you can change it easily from the script. It may take a few minutes to finish.

Most parameters are available and can be changed through configuration files, which are all grouped in the configs folder:

  • datasets
  • network layers and training parameters
  • methods (Source, DANN, CDAN...), and their specific parameters

Advanced options

The script run_full_options.py runs the same kind of experiments allowing for more variants (semi-supervised, unbalanced, with gpus and MLFlow logging). You can run it without parameters or with -h to get help.


You can log results to MLFlow. Start a MLFlow server in another terminal:

    conda activate adaenv
    mlflow ui --port=31014

Streamlit application

Optionally, you can use the streamlit app. First install streamlit with pip install streamlit, then launch the app like this:

    streamlit run run_toys_app.py

This will start a web app with a default port = 8501, which you can view in your brower. It looks like this: Streamlit app screenshot

Benchmarks results

MNIST -> MNIST-M (5 runs)

Method source acc target acc
Source 89.0% +- 2.52 34.0% +- 1.71
DANN 94.2% +- 1.57 37.5% +- 2.85
CDAN 98.7% +- 0.19 68.4% +- 1.80
CDAN-E 98.7% +- 0.12 69.6% +- 1.51
DAN 98.0% +- 0.68 47.0% +- 1.85
JAN 96.4% +- 4.57 52.9% +- 2.16
WDGRL 93.9% +- 2.70 52.0% +- 4.82

MNIST -> USPS (5 runs)

Method source acc target acc
Source 99.2% +- 0.08 94.2% +- 1.07
DANN 99.1% +- 0.15 93.8% +- 1.06
CDAN 98.8% +- 0.17 90.7% +- 1.17
CDAN-E 98.9% +- 0.11 90.3% +- 0.98
DAN 99.0% +- 0.14 95.0% +- 0.83
JAN 98.6% +- 0.30 89.5% +- 2.00
WDGRL 98.7% +- 0.13 85.7% +- 6.57

Checkout the documentation benchmark page for more results.



You can find the latest version on github. Before submitting code, please run black to have clean code formatting:

    pip install black
    black .


First pip install sphinx, sphinx-paramlinks, recommonmark. Generate the documentation:

    cd docs
    sphinx-apidoc -o source/ ../adalib/ada ../scripts/
    make html


If this library is useful for your research please cite:

    title={(Yet) Another Domain Adaptation library},
    author={Tousch, Anne-Marie and Renaudin, Christophe},