
Run kerberos environment in docker containers

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

README - Kerberos/Docker

Build status

Kerberos/Docker is a project to run easily a MIT Kerberos V5 architecture in a cluster of docker containers. It is really useful for running integration tests of projects using Kerberos or for learning and testing Kerberos solutions and administration.

See: MIT Kerberos V5 and Docker.


Use an operating system compatible with docker, and install:

  • docker-ce (without sudo for running the docker command and with overlay2 driver).
  • docker-compose
  • GNU Make (if not already available).
  • GNU Bash (if not already available).

Only if you want to generate other docker configurations, install:

  • Python 3 (if not already available, with pip and venv).

Only if you want to use java on your host machine:

  • Java 8 and Maven 3 (if not already available).

To check the compatible version, see the traces of the Check version on GitHub actions (CI) web interface, see here.

To run tests, install Bats, see ./.ci/install.sh.


  • For Linux and MacOS workstations, it works on all distributions.
  • For Windows workstation, it works on Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu, but connect to the docker container to interact with the Kerberos server.


After installation, there are 3 containers with a web server on each one to check if it turns:

  • krb5-machine-example-com
  • krb5-kdc-server-example-com
  • krb5-service-example-com

The goal is to connect from krb5-machine-example-com to krb5-service-example-com with ssh and Kerberos authentication (using GSSAPIAuthentication).

Here cluster architecture:



make install

It will use the ./build-ubuntu-example-com folder, with docker containers under Ubuntu and with the kerberos realm EXAMPLE.COM. If you want to use another OS for the docker containers and/or other Kerberos realm, you need to use make gen-conf see Prerequisites section.

See Makefile with make usage for all commands.



make clean

To delete network-analyser, do ./network-analyser/clean-network-analyser.sh.

For Ubuntu operating system on the docker container:

To delete ubuntu:22.04 and minimal-ubuntu:latest docker images do docker rmi ubuntu:22.04 minimal-ubuntu.


This project is tested with Bash Automated Testing System (BATS).

After installing BATS (see version in Prerequisites part) and the environment of containers to test, do:

make test

Continuous Integration (CI)

This project uses continuous integration with GitHub Actions.

See all the worflow runs on the CI, here.

Network analyzer

You can create a wireshark instance running in a docker container built from docker image named network-analyser.

See more details in ./network-analyser/README.md.

Debug and see traces

You can connect with an interactive session to a docker container:

docker exec -it <container_name_or_id> bash

To debug Kerberos client or server:

export KRB5_TRACE=/dev/stdout

To debug ssh client:

ssh -vvv username@host

To debug the ssh server:

/usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config -d -e


Kerberos services

On krb5-kdc-server-example-com docker container, there are 2 Kerberos services krb5-admin-service and krb5-kdc:

supervisorctl status

See all opened ports on a machine:

netstat -tulpn

Check that each machine has a synchronized time (with ntp protocol and date to check).

See Troubleshooting and Kerberos reserved ports.

Conflict private IP addresses

To create example.com network docker, the private sub-network should be free and private IP addresses should be free also. Check your routing table with route -n, test free IP addresses with ping -c 1 -w 2 <host>, and check request paths with traceroute <host>.

If the issue persists, you can do make clean or docker network rm example.com.

Working on your computer (host machine) for debugging code

Modify your /etc/hosts to resolve bidirectionally IP addresses with DNS of the Kerberos cluster:

# /etc/hosts
# ...

# Kerberos cluster
# IP FQDN hostname	krb5-machine-example-com.example.com krb5-machine-example-com	krb5-kdc-server-example-com.example.com krb5-kdc-server-example-com	krb5-service-example-com.example.com krb5-service-example-com

# ...

You can ping krb5-kdc-server-example-com| Kerberos KDC server, and check if Kerberos server port is opened: nmap -A -p 88 (or if SSH server port: nmap -A -p 22).

Now you can debug code and do kinit bob on the host machine directly.

The order of entries and names is important in /etc/hosts. To resolve name from an IP address, the resolver takes the first one (horizontally) if multiple names are possible; and to resolve IP address from the name , the resolver takes the first entry (vertically) if multiple IP addresses are possible: You can use resolveip <IP|name>, getent hosts <IP|name> or just take a look at /etc/hosts.

Possible improvements

  • Add LDAP as database for the Kerberos architecture
  • Add other connectors and service (postgresql, mongodb, nfs, hadoop) only OpenSSH for the moment
  • Add Java, Python or C to connect with Kerberos authentication


  • ROBINSON Trevor (eztenia). Kerberos. Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu Article, November 2014. Link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kerberos.
  • MIGEON Jean. Protocol, Installation and Single Sign On, The MIT Kerberos Admnistrator's how-to Guide. MIT Kerberos Consortium, July 2008. p 62.
  • BARRETT Daniel, SILVERMAN Richard, BYRNES Robert. SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition. O'Reilly Media, June 2009. p. 672. Notes: Chapter 11. ISBN-10: 0596008953, ISBN-13: 978-0596008956
  • GARMAN, Jason. Kerberos: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition. O'Reilly Media, March 2010. p. 272. ISBN-10: 0596004036, ISBN-13: 978-0596004033.
  • O’MALLEY Owen, ZHANG Kan, RADIA Sanjay, MARTI Ram, and HARRELL Christopher. Hadoop Security Design. Yahoo! Research Paper, October 2009. p 19.
  • MATTHIAS Karl, KANE Sean. Docker: Up & Running. O'Reilly Media, June 2015. p. 232. ISBN-10: 1491917571, ISBN-13: 978-1491917572.