OUSD Community Partners Platform

The original application was built as part of the HacktivateEd event June 15-16, 2013.

On going development is continuing outside of that event.


The application is setup to run under docker. Use the following to start the application:
- Start docker containers: `docker-compose -f docker/compose/development.yml up`
- Sync local files: `bin/sync`


Community Partners Platform after is released under the Affero GPL v3, which requires that the source code be made available
to any network user of the application. So while we encourage you to fork and run your own copies of this application, any
changes you make need to be shared with their users. Note that this does not allow the use of logos or icons.

Community Partners Platform at commit https://github.com/peregrinator/community_partners_platform/commit/708718ec88f21ffc34cdc8df199ef8de2d8ded06
was released under the MIT License and remains under that license. Any later commits fall under the Affero GPL v3 license as
outlined in the paragraph above.

A variety of external software libraries are included with this software; they are all open source, and suitable for use where this application is.