######## Dependence ######## # XFCE: Compton (Kawase Blur) # Gnome: Blur Me Extension # KDE Plasma: Kvantum Manager + Force Blur Script ######## Transparent Application Theme (eg: Kate Glass, Falkon Glass) ######## #DEP: Compile & Install #sudo apt install -y libkf5kdelibs4support-dev qtbase5-private-dev #sudo rm -r ~/Documents/qtcurve/ #cp -r ./QTCurve/qtcurve/ ~/Documents/ #cd ~/Documents/qtcurve/build/ #sudo make install #cd - #sudo apt install -y qtcurve #No Need, Use qt5ct Or kcmshell5 style (Change Between: Breeze / QTCurve / Kvantum) #tee --append ~/.profile << EOF #export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=qtcurve #EOF #export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=qtcurve #ReLogIn #notify-send --icon=preferences-desktop-theme --expire-time=0 --app-name="Theme" " #Application Style: QtCurve -> Configure Application Style #Import: ./QTCurve_Theme/ #" # FIX: Some Distro Old Version Of Kvantum Not Work With Falkon (First Launched Window) # FIX: Some Distro Old Version Of Kvantum Not Work With Konsole (ToolBar Not Tab) sudo apt install -y cmake sudo apt install -y cmake-extras sudo apt install -y gcc g++ # git clone --branch V1.0.1 https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantum.git git clone https://github.com/tsujan/Kvantum.git sudo apt build-dep -y qt5-style-kvantum # DEP: Compile & Install # sudo apt install -y libkf5windowsystem-dev # sudo apt install -y libqt5svg5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev # FIX: Could not find a configuration file for package **** that is compatible with requested version #### # Kate Falkon Glass (kdesrc-build) export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/kde/usr/ # FIX kvantummanager: libQt#Core.so: version #### not found # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/Qt/*/gcc_64/lib/ mkdir -p ./Kvantum/Kvantum/build/ cd ./Kvantum/Kvantum/build/ #FIX: Source Path Change rm -f ./CMakeCache.txt cmake ../ # make sudo make install cd - # Kvantum Manager # sudo apt install -y kvantum sudo apt install -y qt5-style-kvantum # sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:papirus/papirus # sudo apt update # sudo apt install qt5-style-kvantum # Use qt5ct Or kcmshell5 style (Change Between: Breeze / QTCurve / Kvantum) # FIX: Glass Theme Effect In Other Desktop Environment (eg: WayFire) # tee --append ~/.profile << EOF # export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum # EOF # export QT_STYLE_OVERRIDE=kvantum # ReLogIn kcmshell5 style # sudo apt install -y qt5-style-kvantum-themes #sudo rm -r /usr/share/Kvantum/KvArc*/ mkdir -p ~/.config/Kvantum/ cp -r ./Kvantum_Theme/*/ ~/.config/Kvantum/ kvantummanager ######## Blur FIX ######## # Glass Blur Desktop Effect (eg Falkon) # notify-send --icon=preferences-desktop-theme --expire-time=0 --app-name="Theme" " # Search: Blur # CheckBox -> Apply # " # # sudo apt install -y plasma-desktop # sudo apt install -y plasma-widgets-addons # kcmshell5 kcm_kwin_effects #Plasma Decoration (FIX: GTK Workspace) #GTK No CSD (FIX: Duplicated Close Button), But It Will Disable GTK Transparent Theme #sudo apt install -y gtk3-nocsd #ReLogIn #FIX: GTK Transparent Not Working #sudo apt purge gtk3-nocsd #ReLogIn mkdir -p ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/kservices5/ #FIX: GTK Blur InSide KDE Plasma #FIX: Falkon Blur Not Working rm -rf ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/forceblur/ cp -r ./Tweak/forceblur/ ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/ ln -sf ~/.local/share/kwin/scripts/forceblur/metadata.desktop ~/.local/share/kservices5/forceblur.desktop ############ Application Style Setting ############ # FIX: Ugly QT Theme (eg Icon) In Other Desktop Environment (Gnome / XFCE / Enlightenment) # With Widget Style, You will get full Transparent in other Desktop Environment # FIX: Panel Icon Missing (KDE Plasma + Kvantum) # ~/.bashrc Not Work In XFCE # tee --append ~/.profile << EOF # FIX: Not Work In Arch # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/environment_variables # tee --append ~/.config/environment.d/theme.conf << EOF sudo tee --append /etc/environment << EOF export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=kde EOF export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=kde #kcmshell5 style #Run QT Theme WithOut KDE #Same as kcmshell5 style, Use System Default #Supports Custom qss #Stable Doesnot Have, Testing Has sudo apt install -y qt5ct #Itis Just Widget Style Package, For Widget Theme Selectors (Not Only For qt5ct) #sudo apt install -y qt5-style-plugins # # FIX: OBS Stop Response When Launch In Gnome (QSystemTrayIcon::setVisible: No Icon set) # # FIX: ScreenGrab StartUp Problem # # Issue: Some App Icon DoesNot ShowUp In Launcher (eg: FireFox PostMan) # # FIX (Simple Screen Recorder, OBS): QSystemTrayIcon setVisible No Icon set # # ~/.bashrc Not Work In XFCE # # tee --append ~/.profile << EOF # # FIX: Not Work In Arch # # https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/environment_variables # # tee --append ~/.config/environment.d/theme.conf << EOF # sudo tee --append /etc/environment << EOF # export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct # EOF # export QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt5ct #qt5ct ######## Colors (Window Decoration & Plasma Component) ######## #For QT Applications #mkdir -p ~/.local/share/color-schemes/ #cp -r ./Colors/*.colors ~/.local/share/color-schemes/ #FOR:KDE Apps Color In Other Desktop kcmshell5 colors