
CS 733 (assignments)

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CS 733: Engineering a Cloud

This repo contains assignments/projects done as part of the course CS 733. A brief description of each of them are given below.

Assignment 1: Versioned File Store

A simple in-memory file (key-value) store with support for these operations: read, write, delete, and cas (compare and swap). More details can be found in the project directory.

Assignment 2: Raft Implementation

A basic implementation of Raft protocol with the communication layer and state machine layer abstracted out. More on design can be found in the project README.

Assignment 3: Raft Deployment

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A simple distributed application on top of Raft layer. More details in the project directory.

Assignment 4=3+1: Distributed Versioned File Store

More details in the project directory. Incomplete, and not neatly done due to time constraints!